"I love you"

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Hello,helloooo.How's everybody doing? 😊Nah,I'm not gonna keep you waiting for this part 😆 enjoy
**Reader's Pov**
''What did you say?..'' I asked him with burning cheeks.He turned to me and smiled
''Nothing'' he jently pressed his soft lips on my forehead and went back to the others.I stood there with a red face and I looked at the water splashing at my feet.I smiled and started jumping.I was happy,but then again..did I really heard right or did he say something else.
I was interrupted when Yato yelled my name.I turned around
''What is it?'' I yelled back and he made me a sign to go to them.I walkes slowly to them,my feet collecting the sand.I stood infront of them
''So?'' I looked at them
''Tonight there is going to be a parade in town and I was wondering ,If you guys wanted to come along'' the stray god said and me and Yuki looked one another.I nodded and smiled
''We'd love to.After all we are here to explore too right?'' I giggled and sat on my towel and Yuki sat behind me,wrapping his hands around me in sweet embrace.I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.I looked at the blue sky and just relaxed.The feeling of him hugging and the feeling of him kissing me just fill up my belly with butterflies,and It might sound cheese ,but it's the truth.He may haven't said what I think he said,but
I love him
And tonight I'm going to confess that to him.
I looked at my lover and kissed his cheek.He turned around and gave me one of his cute warm smiles that just made me melt.It's not a joke.I'm deeply and truly in love with a regalia.
sorry it's so short,but I'm wotking on the next part which I want to be the most interesting one 😁
Night ,ti some people and I'll see you in the next chapter 🔜

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