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If it wasn't for the heavy serious tone in his voice, Pete would've thought that Vegas was teasing him, trying to get on his nerves since he seems to enjoy it, but it still sounded like a joke, the one that lacks humour, "is this how you drag your victims?! Wow, you look smarter-" "I don't need to drag my victims they all come willingly, I'm being serious Pete, I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about you it's driving me to insanity, and it's distracting me from my work," " why the fuck are you telling me this??? Are you crazy!" Vegas frowned his eyebrows, "I thought you could already tell, but yeah, I am," "this is fucking ridiculous, go fuck yourself," Pete started walking away and this time vegas didn't say anything, but something inside tells him that they are not done yet.

And he was right, because for the next 2 weeks vegas had been following him nearly everywhere he goes, and tho he didn't particularly feel threatened, he didn't feel comfortable either, but little by little he grew to fancy his company, and he began to look forward to seeing him and have small random conversations with him, "So, you said you're in love with me?" Pete said casually while he cut through his victim's flesh with Vegas's eyes watching him carefully, "huh?" "The first day we met, you said you're in love with me, how come? you don't know me well yet?" Vegas walked to him with a smile and bent down next to him, "Actually Pete," he said as he took his hand gently to fix the cutting direction, "I already know everything I need to know about you," he put his hand on Pete's cheek giving it a light stroke then stood up and left leaving pete in utter confusion, "where are you going?" He screamed, "Home, I'm a bit tired, see you later little rose,".

5 days later~

It's Daddy, he's the one who left an unfilled hole in his life, and now there he is, living his best life with his young mistresses, cheating on his even younger wife right before Pete's eyes, as if he didn't break him to the point of no repair. Pete took a sip of his strong alcoholic drink and tho it burnt his throat, it was still nothing compared to the fire burning his soul, and now as he sat in the dark, staring at his pathetic excuse of a father, he felt nothing but pure hate and rage, and a very overwhelming desire of revenge,

But no matter how desperately he wanted to give his father a taste of his own medicine, there was always something holding him back, something he still couldn't label, but it's stronger than him. Pete hasn't seen nor talked to Vegas for the past 5 days and perhaps that's one of the reasons his frustration is on the roof today, and on days like this, he always keeps drowning himself in pain more, and that's why he chose to watch his father tonight,

But as things started getting too graphic he decided that he'd seen enough, one more sip of his whiskey and he turned to leave but,  "I was thinking about your question this past 5 days and I th- what's wrong?!" He was met with Vegas who finally decided to show up, it's all he wanted, but Pete was too tipsy and angry to think straight so he just stared at him with soaked yet rage-filled eyes and walked past him without saying a word, breaking his way through the crowd,

"Pete! Wait!" The calls echoed through the empty hallway but he just ignored them and kept walking until a firm grip took his hand and turned him around, he didn't fight it, he could pretend that he wanted to but inside he knew he wanted Vegas more than anything, but he's too proud to admit it now, so he just stood there staring at the anxious-looking man, desperately trying to keep it together, "what happened Pete, did s-" "where have you been!??!" He failed to stop it this time, and his voice came out a bit harsher than intended, but he didn't care, he was frustrated and couldn't care about his tone,

"I was busy with work-" "for five fucking days!?" Vegas could obviously tell that Pete was angry, broken to be exact, but he knew from the look in his eyes that it was deeper than that,and not directed at him. Now, vegas was never good with comforting words, so instead he approached the very distressed Pete carefully and held both his hands, and when Pete didn't show any signs of protesting he gently grabbed his face stroking it slowly, "But I'm here now, tell me what's wrong little rose,"

Pete took a big gasp finally giving in to his emotions, "I hate him vegas, I- he ruined my life, he fucking broke me and now he's living happily as if nothing happened," "Who baby? Who did this??" Vegas didn't even care for the answer, he already decided that whoever brought his Pete to this state is a dead man, "Pa! The person who was supposed to protect me and give me love, the one who should've helped me when I was losing myself, who should've understood me the most in this world, but he- he left me, he made me a monster and then despised what he created, he-he..."

Pete's words got lost between the fast breathing and loud gasps, each one of them filled Vegas with rage and a strong urge to protect, but for now, he just buried him in his chest, wrapping his arms around his shaking figure with a firm grip, "Shhhhh, vegas is here, I'm here for you, and I will not leave you,".
To be hugged, held, and contained in someone else's arms, is something Pete never experienced in his life and never knew how much his soul yearned for until this moment, he doesn't know how to react or feel, but his body seems to move on its own, sinking deeper in vegas' hold, letting his heartbeats guide him to the feeling of safety and containment,

"Can we leave?" He mumbled after he found his voice again, "Of course, but this doesn't end here baby let me tell you this," Pete looked up at him for a while before he said with a tired voice, "Please don't disappear for too long again, it was unbearable," vegas laughed teasingly as he picked him up the ground throwing his legs around his waist, "are you saying you missed me little rose?" He whispered against Pete's lips and the man in his arms could no longer control his actions so he nodded unwillingly, "yes, a lot," vegas smirked and planted a soft kiss on the red tempting lips, "I missed you too, let's go," vegas walked outside with Pete still in his arms hugging him tightly, making an oath to himself to make that man beg for death until his last breath.

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