All of Nothing

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The void

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The void.

“I haven't been here in a while.”

Without any source of light, it feels as if I have no body. Just my existence, in a dark room.

Just as the thought passed, the green orb became my nightlight.

I'm starting to get tired of being here.

Turning around I came face to face with Lloyd.

Which may sound normal but this time it was different.

Instead of the brown ninja in a green Gi the child version stood in front of me.

Eyes looking at me.

A light the same size as mine, like one of those small bouncy balls at an arcade, was about a few centimeters outside of his chest.


Being able to see my own light this time it was obvious seeing it flicker brighter, like a flame, and pull me closer to the character.

The weird feeling was back, practically hammering against my chest.

“You've never talked before,” I mutter, balling my fist around the orb and yanking it back.

Lloyd's face frowned at my action, “Come here.”

“Excuse me? Who the hell-” Even though I held it, my feet dragged against the ground. “Stop!”

“Why are you always so distant with me?”

Being within a few inches away, the force on my body finally stopped.

“I don't… I don't want thi…” my sentence trailed off, “I don't deserve this.”

His hand grabbed mine, and a strong pulse of electricity pulsed through the connection. Surprised, I instantly pulled away.

I've never felt… that's never happened.

He reached out for my hand again, slowly this time as if I was a scared cat. “You don't deserve a friend?”

Right- the innocence of a child.

“That-... Am I talking to the actual… you?” This seems a bit too real. More real than it has been before.

His hand touched mine again, and the two lights between us flared like gasoline being lit.

He stood to his tippy toes watching as the two orbs circled each other.

“Stop-” I mutter starting to back away.

“Stay” the light flickered, stopping me in my place. He pushed his light closer to mine, it was like watching osmosis when mine was swallowed by his.

My eyes flickered open at the sudden pain, welcoming me back to my room. My hand flew to my chest grasping the area only to accidentally hit something else.

Green Mister | Lloyd G. x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now