The Day Ninjago Stood Still

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“Shut up,” I grumble covering my face.

“What? I'm just calling it how I see it.” Nya snickers pointing her hand at me, “you have a thing for him.”

“He's a child! A child!”

“Technically not anymore.”

“He is!”

She sighs setting down her cup of ramen, “even if he was you still liked him.”

“You're trying to get me arrested! I'm not a groomer! A PREDATOR! DATELINE NBC IS GONNA COME AFTER ME!” I whine hiding my face.

“A groome- huh?” She paused, patting my head, “you do know that this world is different from your previous one, right?”

I scoff not leaving the confinement of my hands.

“You two are literally attracted to each other. Just like destiny pull it's course.” Nya stands up.

“I'm in control of my own destiny!” I shout standing up on my own.

Even if I liked him, it wouldn't matter. I simply just can't-

“Like who?” Lloyd snuck up on the conversation.

With a shriek I spun around to face him, he held a watermelon that was beautifully carved into a dragon.


His eye twitched, then smiled brightly as the watermelon slice exploded.

Most of the leftovers splattered onto the ground between us.

“oh boy.” Nya mutters looking between us, “I have a ship to pilot.” She quickly shuffled away.

Nya! This is your fault.

“What's her fault. I don't think I quite understand.” The huge smile on his handsome face, was more terrifying than it probably should have been. His eyes looked away, weighing a few options in his mind. “Fine” he smiles again, setting his hand on my shoulder to dust something off, “I have someone I want you to meet.”

I laugh, gently ready to make a joke only for him to move aside showing an older woman.

“Misaki Garmadon.” He introduced, looking between the both of us.

My eyes widened at the last name. “Your mom?” I mutter, feeling a weird pressure to start filling the bottom of my eyes, “You wanted me to meet your mom?”

His excitement faltered at my expression, “You didn't want me to?”

Green Mister | Lloyd G. x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now