Chapter One

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MAY 9, 2024. The day had been marked in my calendar for weeks, Richard was all it said. His name scrawled across the white box devoted to the ninth, the anxious loop of my D enclosing the date like a promise.

Beneath his name, a time 8:00 pm. It was 7:17, and I was already late. I couldn't find my scarf, and it was cold outside. I scanned the cramped quarters of my apartment. There were only three bedrooms—a kitchen and two bedrooms—and it seemed almost impossible that I could lose anything in such a small bedroom space.

I finally found my scarf beneath my clothes in the wardrobe. Just when I was about to leave, mom walked in, a frown played on her face.

"Where to?" Was the first thing she asked.

"To meet Richard?" I replied almost like a question.

"Have you washed the dishes and toilet I asked you to do?" She was waiting for my reply so she'd spark if I said no.

But I said "Yes."

I knew mom always hated my relationship with Richard. She always said he wasn't the right man for me, and that I deserved better.

She wouldn't understand. Richard was everything a woman would ever want. He had it all, the beauty, the abs, the heart, the figure, what else? He has everything I ever wanted in a man.

"I have to go now, mom." I checked on my wrist watch. "I'm almost late, I don't want to keep him waiting."

"Be back home on time or your father yells the entire house down."

Did I mention my dad? Of course, he was super cool with Richard and I dating.

"I'll be back by eleven." She arched her brow, "Fine. I'll make it by ten. I promise." I placed a kiss on her forehead before leaving.

I was lucky to find a cab which took me to the restaurant Richard and I promised to meet. I picked an empty seat, patiently waiting for him to show up.

Checking on the time, it was 7:55.

I sighed excitedly, I couldn't wait to see Richard. It's been a week since we last saw each other. We spent our time calling or texting each other since he was super busy and had little or no time for us. I didn't want to pressure him, so I was cool with the idea of not meeting until today. Our second dinner.

I haven't stopped staring at the entrance door, checking to see if Richard would show up. At exactly 8:01, he walked in, but he wasn't alone. He had a girl with him.

I almost got angry, but I recalled he once talked about having a younger sister who always wanted to see me. I relaxed, masking my once annoyed emotion with a smile. Besides, it was dinner and not a date.

I couldn't yell his name since there were lots of people in the restaurant, so I had to wave at him. They both made themselves comfortable on the empty seats. Seeing Richard's face almost made me forget the young lady who came with him.

"Hailee, meet Claire. Claire, meet Hailee." Richard introduced us.

Claire and I exchanged handshakes and pleasantries. "It's nice to officially meet you, Hailee." She stated. "Richard has always told me how nice you've treated him, I really appreciate your kindness."

I blushed. I admit, that did a lot to me. I never expected to hear Richard was bold enough to say good things about me to his sister.

We glared at the menu. Claire said she was going to have the same meal Richard chose to eat. I used to be Claire, but since it was siblings things, I refrained myself from demanding the exact thing Richard was going to eat. So, I chose something different.

While we waited, I asked Richard how he had been for the past few days. "I've been good. All thanks to Claire for being there for me."

I smiled, happy that he had such a caring and loving sister like Claire. "Thanks, Claire, for always being there for him when I couldn't."

She blushed. "It has always been my pleasure."

"I wish I had a loving and caring sister like you." The smile on her face disappeared almost immediately. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, no. Not at all." She forced a smile, then turned to look at Richard. "You told her that I am your sister?"

Confusion stained my face as I glared at both Richard and Claire at the same time. "I'm sorry, what's going on here, Richard." I chuckled, trying to process what was going on.

"What is she talking about, Richard? Is Claire your sister?" Richard sat speechless. "Say something! What the hell is she talking about?" My voice was a bit high, but not too loud enough to cause a scene.

"Hailee, I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time." He sighed, "Claire..."

He was being so slow to talk, so Claire cut in. "Well, Richard and I have been dating for close to two months now. He did say a lot about you, so I have constantly pressured him to show me who this Hailee Steinfeld was. Actually, that was why he called for this dinner, to officially introduce us to each other."

I was speechless. The whole thing came replaying in my head over and over again. Claire was the so-called sister he's been talking about?

"You were cheating on me, Richard? We were dating and yet you had someone else in your life?" I couldn't get myself to cry but the pain and betrayal weighed my heart down that I could barely think straight.

"Were all those promises you told me true? Were all those moments we spent together real? Or were you just using me as a part-time lady in your life?"

"I have always loved you, Hailee, but Claire is the one I love most. She has given me more than you could, she was there for me when you weren't."

"I was always there for you, Richard. I have never for one day left your side, not until you told me your week would be occupied. Tell me, Richard, were those words true? Were you really busy or was it because you only wanted to spend time with her?"

He didn't say a word.

"Are you going to keep mute or will you give me my damn answer!" I yelled, clenching my fist.

"He said that to spend his time with me." Claire replied, smiling victoriously.

I nodded my head at them. "I see. You didn't only call for this dinner to introduce me to your pathetic girlfriend, you called for this dinner to mock me. But I will tell you this, Richard, you will regret this day. I promise."

“Are you threatening us?” Claire said, her face spoke of anger but I wasn't bothered about her expression.

“Now you stay out of this, young lady, and keep your fucking mouth shut.”

The waitress came with the ordered meal, placing it on the table. "Thanks for the meal. Sadly, I won't stay to eat it."

"Is everything alright?" She asked.

I forced a smile on my face. "Everything is perfectly fine." Picking my purse, I stood up and left.

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