Chapter Three

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"Rise and shine, sleepyhead." Mom's voice rang through my eardrum, causing me to wake up. I wasn't a deep sleeper, so no matter how loud or thin the voice was, I would definitely wake up.

"Guess what, I made you your favorite dish." She said excitedly. "I'm sure you'll love it."

"It's my favorite dish, mom, there's no way I wouldn't." I said, rubbing my eyes softly.

I sniffed, perceiving the sweet scent of the aroma. "I can perceive it already." I stormed out of the bed, rushing to make my way to the kitchen when mom stopped me.

"Nah. Nah. Brush those teeth of yours first."

"But mom."

"Mr Romero is here, you wouldn't want to appear like this before him, do you?" She said, her voice was a bit low, like she was scared of him hearing her say that.

"Mr Romero?" My eyes flew open. That was dad's best friend. They've been good friends since highschool, and even till now, they haven't separated.

Mr Romero was also one of the top richest men in the State, a well known man in the business line. He always came to visit dad twice a week. And it's Thursday, one of his favorite days of visiting.

"Hurry up, or your food gets cold." Mom's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I don't know, but I felt a bit excited to see Mr Romero. His company was a bit relieving, and most times I feel like staring long into his eyes. Don't get me wrong, he has the most beautiful hazel eyes in the world.

I hurriedly brushed my teeth and had my shower. When I got to the kitchen, mom gave me a surprised look. "That was pretty fast, Hailee."

I knew she was expecting me to take too long in the bathroom like I did last night. Not like I couldn't, but I felt if I stayed any longer there, Mr Romero was likely to leave before I made it to the sitting room.

"Yeah, I couldn't hold back the urge. The aroma has been tormenting me, what do you expect?"

"Fine, whatever. I knew I shouldn't have told you." She gave me my plate of food.

"Where's dad and Mr Romero?" I asked. I didn't see them on my way to the kitchen.

"Dad took him to show him something in the next compound. They'll be here soon." And just when mom had said the last word, the door opened, followed by dad's voice.

"I never knew Mr Parker had a daughter." Came Mr Romero's voice. That deep voice that resounded in my head like I had just smacked my head against the wall.

"She's been asking about you for quite some time now." Dad added.

Hold on. Why would Stella be asking about Mr Romero? What are her reasons? What's her impression?

"That's pretty good to hear." I could tell from his response that he was smiling.

"Aren't you going to say hello to Mr Romero?" Mom's voice snapped at me. Always there to do her job to my always busy brain.

"Sure. I was just... trying to get enough of the aroma." She rolled her eyes, trying not to show how much she loved the compliments.

I left the kitchen for the dinning, when dad called my name. "Hailee, come say hello to Mr Romero." Dad called.

I turned to them. "Hey, Mr Romero."

"Is that all?" Dad knows how to spoil things for me.

I looked at Mr Romero who had an amusing smile on his face, like he found what I did quite interesting. "It's really nice to meet you again, Mr Romero. How is your family and..." I looked at Dad who raised an eyebrow at me.

"Sweetheart, Mr Romero isn't married yet, have you forgotten? Asking him about his family is more like an insult to him."

I forced myself to smile. "Forgive my actions, Mr Romero."

"It's nothing, Miss Steinfeld. It's nice to meet you too." Oh, that sweet voice, sending shivers down my spine. I felt in between my legs grow wet as he kept smirking at me, and I almost felt like slapping that smile off his face.

"Breakfast is ready. Why don't we eat it while it's still hot?" Mom invited and we all sat around the dining table.

I would steal a glance at Mr Romero only to find him staring at me with an almost invisible smirk on his face. "Why was he looking at me?" I mumbled under my breath.

What if dad and mom catch him staring, they'd suspect there was something going on between us.

"So Hailee, your mother told me you were out with Richard last night, how was it?" Dad started, breaking the awkward silence.

I held my spoon halfway, the memory replaying in my head, almost causing me to lose appetite.

"Hun, Hailee isn't open for conversation right now. Maybe we should discuss something else." Mom said.

"Did something happen and I'm not aware of it?"

"Nothing serious, just..." Mom tried to lie but I stopped her.

"There's no need to lie, mom. He deserves to know the truth." Since he has always been proud of Richard and I, he deserves to know we aren't together anymore.

"Well, Richard and Hailee were supposed to have dinner together, but Richard invited someone he's been dating two months ago. He told Hailee that he prefers to hang around with the other girl and not her."

There was an obvious frown on Dad's face. "And why didn't you tell me this earlier? I would have had his face smacked on the wall!" He stormed.

Dad always supported my decisions and he hated it when I was hurt. He was damn serious when he said that, and the least thing I wanted was for anything stupid to happen.

"It's alright dad, I'm fine now. Mom was right after all, Richard wasn't for me. We both deserve someone better."

Hearing my reply, he calmed down a bit. "I won't do anything for your sake, but if he ever steps foot near you in the future, I promise to have that handsome face of his bruised."

I smiled. "And I won't stop you."

After a brief second. "Well, I already discussed with Mr Romero concerning finding a job for you, and he promised to do that."

I looked at Mr Romero, he was paying attention to his meal, like he didn't notice dad had mentioned his name.

"He did say he has a job for you." Dad said with a smile.

"Really?" I said out of excitement.

"Yes." Dad answered. "So get your things ready, you'll be leaving for Mr Romero's home tonight."

My eyes flew open.

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