Chapter Two

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As soon as I stepped out of the building, I felt liquids cloud my eyes. Quickly, I boarded a cab. "15th Avenue." I said to the driver.

"Alright ma'am." He started the engine, zooming off.

I kept wiping off the tears in my eyes, but they kept falling instead. I tried my best not to sniffle too loud so the driver wouldn't have to suspect I was crying.

Why would Richard do this to me? What have I done to deserve this? What haven't I done for him that he would prefer Claire over me? Why? What have I done to deserve this?

The rain had started pouring before I got home. I paid the driver his money, stepping out of the car. I didn't run to avoid the rain, I stood at that spot, letting the heavy water pour on my body.

"Richard, you did this to me? You broke my heart for her sake? You humiliated me because of her." I fell to the ground. "What have I done?!" I screamed.

"Hailee?!" Mom called from the sitting room. "Hailee, is that you?"

The next second, she was out with an umbrella. "Oh, Hailee, why are you in the rain? Aren't you feeling cold?"

She squatted, then noticed I was crying. "Oh, no! Is that tears? Are you crying?"

"Mom, what have I done to deserve this?" My voice was barely a whisper.

"I don't understand. What happened, why are you sounding like this?"

"Haven't I been a good girl? I know I'm not perfect, but haven't I tried enough? Haven't I been there for him enough?"

She understood where I was coming from, still holding the umbrella above our heads, she sat on the floor. "You deserve better, Hailee. You deserve the best life can ever give."

"Then why? Why did he choose her over me? Why does he prefer her over me?"

Mom sighed. She has always been right from the start. She had always seen the future before me, and she knew well something like this was likely to happen. But it was I who let my emotions cloud me.

"I don't blame you, sweetheart, you were doing what you thought was right. He misused your love, shoved you off like you were nothing. But let me tell you this, child, this isn't the end of the world. He isn't the only man in this world, there are so many of them out there. So many that are craving for women like you.

So many that have been wishing, and praying to find a woman like you. All you have to do is calm down and let things go. Richard has never been meant for you, he was just there to make you realize the real truth about love. I know it's a lot difficult to let go, but you'll love it when you eventually do."

It was a lot difficult. After all those years, he only met Claire two months ago and he had chosen her over me?

"Now stop crying, child. Let's go inside, I'll make you hot tea." She helped me stand on my feet. "Everything will be alright, I promise."

She held me while we slowly made it into our apartment. According to her, dad was already asleep. He had returned home looking stressed out. Though he did ask about me, she told him I was out with Richard.

Dad had always fancied my relationship with Richard, how will he feel when he learns things have gone south between us?

Mom went to make me hot water, then she helped prepare my shower. "Go get some shower while I make your hot tea ready."

I sluggishly went to my room, spending minutes of my time in the bathroom. If only I knew this would happen, I would have listened to mom all those while and saved my heart from getting hurt. But then, I always thought she hated him for no reason.

"Hailee, are you alright there?" Mom called since I was taking longer in the bathroom.

"I'm fine, mom. I'll be out in a minute." A minute turned to minutes. When I finally left the bathroom, I wore my baggy shirt with my sports knicker.

I left for the sitting room where mom sat waiting for me. "How do you feel now?" She asked.

I nodded my head, "I'll be fine."

"Here is your tea. Drink it while it's still hot." I sipped on it. I wasn't a fan of hot tea, so I took it gently or I damaged my tongue.

After I had drunk it, mom said I should get some rest. I tried to get my mind off everything, but the more I tried, the more it kept coming. I didn't want mom to feel worried, so I forced myself to smile even though it wasn't convincing enough.

I laid on my bed. Then I picked up my phone, staring at pictures of Richard and I. I knew I was only hurting myself, but I had to. I ended up crying more, because it was hurting knowing all these while he never loved me.

I took a deep breath, seizing every boldness in me, I started to delete every photo we both shared. I went to Instagram and I unfollowed him, doing the same to his Twitter handle. Lastly, I blocked his contact from my phone, ending everything and every memory we both shared.

I found myself crying nonstop until my eyes couldn't leak any tears. Laying my head on the pillow, I let nature take me, hoping to wake up with no memory of what had happened.

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