Chapter Four

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I stood by the window, watching as Dad walked Mr Romero out. I really don't understand why dad would even think about that.

"I don't get why you and dad would agree with Mr Romero's decision." I told mom who just walked out of the kitchen.

"Come on, Hailee, I thought we'd discussed this already." She said, like she was tired of hearing it for the tenth time.

"We have to discuss this, mom. Why would you even think living with Mr Romero is the best option?"

"Because living with him would save a lot of cost and time. You won't have to bother about the transport fare and distance from home to his office."

"There's nothing to bother about that because I'm pretty good at waking up earlier than time. I'll be fine going to work from home."

"I knew you'd be difficult to reason with." She sighed, defeated.

Just then, Dad walked in. "So..."

I didn't let him finish talking, I interrupted. "Dad, please, I don't buy the idea of living with Mr Romero."

"Why? You're scared of having a second father?"


"Then why don't you buy the idea?"

I looked at him. If only he knew why, he wouldn't have agreed to let me move in with his best friend. It's been like ten years since I had a crush on Mr Romero, he was always visiting dad back then when he hadn't started his business.

It got to a point where I couldn't control myself whenever he was around, so whenever I knew he was coming, I would leave the house or give some random excuses just to avoid seeing him. That was another reason why I accepted to be Richard's girlfriend, I wanted something to distract me from acknowledging this forbidden feeling.

Now, dad and mom want me to live with him? If only they knew they were only pushing me to my temptation.

"Urggh..." I grunted. I didn't want to argue further or they'd end up suspecting. "Fine. I'll get my stuff packed."

Dad smiled at my reply, and so did mom. "I can help you pack." She said willingly.

"No thanks, I have hands." I walked back to my room, a part of me hated the idea, the other part of me wanted the idea so badly.


Night came quicker than expected, I was beginning to wonder why things were happening so fast. I had my things packed, dad helped me take them to the car.

Dad drove me to Mr Romero's home which was miles away, about a thirty minute drive. Meanwhile, mom insisted she was going to follow us so she could say her last goodbye.

"Come on, mom, it's not like it's the end of the world. I'll definitely come around." I hugged her while dad helped me offload my stuff from the car.

I took my bags with me while I watched mom and dad drive off. Sighing heavily, I turned, staring at the big mansion before me. "Mr Romero lives here alone?"

"Miss Steinfeld, right?" A voice sounded, and I looked in the direction.

"Yes, I am."

"Welcome home." Said the gentleman with a welcoming smile. "Mr Romero was right when he said we'll be having a guest. Please follow me."

I picked my bags, trailing behind him. "Is Mr Romero home?" I asked.

"Yes. He's actually in his office right now. He'll be out soon."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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