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Queen Amelia’s eyes slowly opened. She groaned softly as her blurry vision got clearer, and as her eyes opened completely, she found herself on her bed, in her room. She wore only a white nightgown, and her blond hair was loose, falling off her shoulders like a beautiful golden waterfall. She groaned again, placing her left hand on her head as she felt a headache arise.

She turned to the curtain that surrounded her bed and saw a shadowy figure sitting on the other side. The room was dimly lit by numerous candlesticks and a large chandelier hanging over her bed. Amelia’s brows furrowed as she stared at the shadow. She quietly passed her left palm beneath her pillow and pulled out a small dagger.

“Who’s there?” Amelia asked with a stern but soft tone.

“Oh, you’re awake? Sorry if I disturbed you.” Aurelia’s voice sounded softly from the other side of the large curtain. Amelia's eyebrows relaxed, and she let go of her dagger, realizing that it was useless.

“What are you doing here? Did you come to gloat?” Amelia asked with an annoyed tone.

“No, I came to see if you were still alive. We should begin preparations for our departure. It was fun sparing with you, but the real battle will begin soon, so please get ready quickly,” Aurelia replied calmly and with zero emotion in her voice.

“Hmm, you really don’t have a heart, do you? No well wishes or apologies for almost ending my life. Just a meaningless visit,” Amelia said.

“I’m sorry, but I only came here to see if you were okay. Now that I see that you’re completely fine, it’s down to business from here,” Aurelia replied.

“I see,” Amelia murmured to herself. She remained silent for a moment, then asked, “I don’t know if I heard you correctly, but back at the arena, you called me a traitor, and I could have sworn I almost saw you cry. What was that all about?”

Aurelia’s fist tightened, and she turned to the ground. “I’m not sure. I probably just mistook you for someone else. I’d like to take my leave now,” she replied, then got off her seat and marched toward the door.

“Hey, wait!” Amelia yelled, pushing the curtain aside, so she could see her. “Stop right there; you do not just walk out on a queen. I asked a question, and I demand you answer me,” Amelia said.

Aurelia stopped in front of the large door, then replied softly, “Many, many years ago, I met someone a lot like you. She was strong, brave, and had a heart of gold. She was everything to me until the day she broke my heart. I haven’t been able to forgive her ever since. I’ll be in my room if you need me.”

“Wait, aren’t you going to break out of those?” Amelia asked, turning to the large block of steel that held Aurelia’s hands together.

“Oh, your soldiers put this on me, so I wouldn’t be able to harm you any further,” Aurelia said.

“And you let them?” Amelia asked with a confused look.

“Well, if we’re trying to merge Seth-Healm and Dynaris, the first thing to do is to make sure both sides are at peace with each other. So, if putting me in restraint makes them feel safe, then why not?” Aurelia replied.

Amelia smiled at her, and Aurelia smiled back. She turned around and left the room after, and as she shut the door, the smile on her face vanished completely, leaving only a blank expression.  She pulled the block of steel apart with ease, shattering it into many pieces, and walked away, her metal boots making clinking sounds as she moved through the passage.

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