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“Run? Are you crazy? We have a whole army behind us; we can’t just tell everyone to start running,” Amelia yelled with shock on her face.

“Dang, I didn’t think about that. Well then, I guess we’ll have to fight them head-on,” Michael replied, still carrying that smirk on his face.

“Is he always this reckless?” Aurelia asked, turning to Amelia.

“Yeah, Michael does very random things at times, but it’s his unorthodox approach to dangerous situations that has surprisingly gotten him to where he is today and gotten us this far, so all I can do is trust his instincts,” Amelia replied with a blank expression on her face.

She jumped down from her horse and pulled out her sword, then walked with Michael toward the raging herd of sand buffalo.

“One swing should do the trick,” Michael said softly, holding his sword up with his right hand. He had summoned it back from where it had landed before. Amelia also raised her sword, and as they both were about to swing, the herd split into two groups and forked in different directions. One half of the herd went toward the left of the army, and the other half went toward the right, and after a few seconds, they all vanished into the desert sands.

“What? What are they doing?” Amelia asked with a confused expression on her face.

“Maybe they got scared and decided they weren’t going to mess with me,” Michael said proudly with a bright smile.

“I don’t think so. They weren’t running because of your sword. They were running from something else.” Aurelia’s voice sounded from behind.

“What makes you think so?” Michael asked, turning around to face Aurelia. Aurelia jumped down from her horse and began walking toward Michael. She stopped a short distance from him and said softly, “Turn around.”

As Michael slowly turned around, a large serpent burst out of the ground. Michael and Amelia were pushed back by the resulting vibrations, but Aurelia stood strong.

The large serpent had bright red scales and four large legs. It had rows of long, sharp fangs and two horns that extended from its head toward its back. The monster roared loudly as it stared down at the soldiers.

“Is that the monster we’re looking for?” Aurelia asked.

“Yeah, that’s definitely the one,” Michael replied, helping his sister up on her feet.

“Alright then, let’s get this over with,” Aurelia said. She wrapped both palms around her sword and clenched her teeth tightly. The monster roared again, its throat glowing brightly, and Aurelia launched at it, swinging her weapon with all the force she could muster.


Cold as the icicle, dark as the night.

The desert sings as the wind takes flight.

Rustle goes the tumbleweed, bouncing through the sand.

If I reached out, would you take my hand?

Green as the oasis, holding on tight.

With one last tear as it withers and dies.

A young female who sat in the dark sang slowly and softly with her eyes closed. She wore a dress with large sleeves and a baggy trouser that had a transparent piece surrounding each leg. As she hummed her song, she let out slow and soft breaths. She had long, elf-like ears, and her skin was tainted with a light green color.

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