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An individual wearing a white cloak covering their entire body walked into a large hall, their every step resounding and fading out into complete silence. The floors and walls were covered in gold and silver, glistening under the candlelight like polished marbles and large, ornate crystal fixtures, adorned with delicate silver filigree, and sparkling candles that cast a warm golden glow, hanging from the white ceiling.

The cloaked individual walked for a few minutes, then stopped in front of a large curtain. The pale-white curtains were beautifully designed with dark red petals and butterflies, hovering over a large landscape that looked like a field of rose flowers.

“Father, I'm ready for my departure.” The individual spoke with a stern, young female voice.

“Good, be quick with your mission in the western desert. The goblin queen sent a letter saying that she has found a way to bring back the oasis and would like to show a demonstration to the Septagon. I would like you to be there with me during the meeting.” A deep voice came from behind the curtains.

“Understood, father. I will not fail you.” The cloaked girl replied, then turned around and walked away.

Meanwhile, Aurelia sat quietly in her prison cell, her arms and legs folded. Her hair was a complete mess, with curly strands hanging over her face as she stared blankly at the stone floor. The fruits the guards delivered to her sat in front of her—she was clearly in no mood for eating.

“She taught Aurelia all she knew about fighting, farming, and hunting, and one day she left Aurelia in the shed in search of a better home for the both of them, but never returned because she was taken by the elves.” Imande's words resounded in her head.

Her words had triggered one of her lost memories. It was a bit blurry at first, but now she could clearly see it. It wasn't, as Imande said; it was completely different.

Images of Araya's face flashed in her head. She clenched her teeth and fist tightly as the memory of their last moments together replayed in her head. She let out a soft sigh as her fist loosened. An image of Araya smiling at her and pulling her through the village flashed through her head again, and a smile grew on her face. She picked up one of the fruits on the ground, then took a bite from it as she turned to the only window in the prison cell.

“Why did you really choose to leave, Araya Gunnlad?” Aurelia asked softly, staring at the moon through the small window.


~100 years ago~

“Wow, I can't believe you guys actually came, and I see you guys are wearing the dresses I sent,” Michael said with a little excitement in his voice, standing at the entrance to the village. Aurelia and Araya stood in front of him with smiles on their faces. They wore bright red dresses that had black flowery designs all around them; this was traditional wear for women in the village.

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