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“Elves? What the heck do elves want from you?” Aurelia asked, tightening her grip on her sword.


The middle elf had blond hair and bright blue eyes. She looked to be in her twenties, and she evidently wore large armor under her cloak. The other two elves who stood beside her had black hair and dark red eyes. The one on the right carried a sword on the left side of her waist, and the one on the left carried a golden scythe on her back.


“I don't know, but if history were told right, wherever elf soldiers are, nothing good ever happens,” Imande responded angrily.


The blond elf who stood between the other two raised her left arm and pulled her right backwards as if pulling on the string of a bow. A flaming arrow materialized from thin air, spiraling around her left arm like a spring. She let go of the arrow, and it flew at high speed towards Aurelia, making a whistling sound as it pierced through the air.


“Die,” she said softly with a menacing look on her face as she stared down at Aurelia, then let go of the arrow.


Aurelia gritted her teeth, then ran forward. She jumped, spun around midair, and slammed the blade of her sword into the arrow's tip, causing it to explode. She dropped to the ground again, then turned back to Imande.


“Take everyone and leave this place right now. I think they're only after me, so I'll try my best to draw them as far away as I can,” Aurelia yelled. Imande turned to her people, moved her eyes to the elf, who was reading another arrow, and turned back to Aurelia. Her brows furrowed, and she nodded.


Imande turned to her people and used her telekinesis to remove the large rocks blocking the exit.


“Everyone, run deep into the forest and stay hidden. Don't look back; just keep running,” Imande yelled.


The elf continued to shoot flame arrows at Aurelia as she ran toward the palace wall. The explosions the arrows caused vibrated the ground and walls and caused fires that burned brightly under the moonlight. Aurelia ran vertically along the wall as fast as she could, so she could get to the same level as the elves at the top of the palace wall.


The elf who stood on the right pulled out a golden sword and swung it vertically in Aurelia's direction. The swing generated a yellow light wave that flew toward the wall Aurelia ran on. As it struck the wall, it caused the wall to burst along a vertical line all the way to the ground. Aurelia was pushed off the wall by the sudden explosion, and she plunged to the ground again.


Aurelia landed on the ground with a loud thud, tumbled across the ground a few times, and finally landed on her feet, sliding backwards toward Imande again. 


“Are you really sure they're after you alone? This level of destruction is unnecessary,” Imande said as she stared at the large fire caused by the explosions with worry on her face.

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