Chapter 7: Wolf in Cop's Clothing

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Chapter 7: Wolf in Cop's Clothing

That clandestine vortex of anti-logos seething within me finally subsided, receding back across more celestial spheres than any mortal consciousness could fathom until my fragile facades as Sergeant Hayler Lewis snapped rigidly back into terrestrial dominance. The after-echoes subsided with each steady inhale of stale forensics lab atmosphere saturating my lungs.

Away from those rarefied altitudes where the Redeemer's convictions blazed across cosmic battlefronts waged throughout multiple infinities, banishing sedition before entire ontological eventualities were stillborn. Conflict horizons beyond mankind's present bandwidth of spiritual comprehension let alone secular frameworks for quantifying evil's uttermost depths assailing all burgeoning potentialities.

That transcendent higher war refracted across subquantum strata corroding away every last anthropic pretense erected against total existential entropy through sustained malice. While here even the most cherished citadels promised guardian sanctuary from natured darkness woven into this world's fundamental threads since dawnbirth.

These viscerally reductive concerns crowded back into focus from the soulwounding peripherals infiltrating my mindscape's furthest Horizons. Their operatives already casting toxic ley line convergences through postlapserian witchfields temporally displacing outwards across fractalized futures still pending divine separations from primal slurry's dreck...

I shuddered as my reintegrated hieropathic sensoriums still struggled recalibrating to withstand those desolate impressions assailing me from once-forbidden quarantines. Psychic auras shadowing even the Redeemer's most prepared defenses to bring panoptic witness against profanities birthing new hellscapes through their rites of elemental vitriol.

So much apocalyptic disclosure sequenced into a single unenviable download exposing just how unsanctified our world had become by shadow infestations manifesting across whole planetary biomes. Entire occult ecosystems of unseeable hostility recolonizing everything and siphoning away every final luminescence through contamination vectors glimpses couldn't bare to glimpse...

"Sarge?" A petite lab tech with mousy features and a cyberpunk haircut suddenly materialized beside my terminal alcove, snapping me jarringly back into prosaic physical dimensions. An expectant look creased her brow. "Everything okay over there? You looked a million miles away just now staring at those screens."

I forced my facial musculature into an affable half-smile, batting away the last ghostly vestiges of tainted impressions still clouding my vision across etheric planes. Playing the part of dutiful sergeant once more for whoever this meek specimen represented - no sense openly betraying my hidden mysteries to an acolyte of this world's petty prevailing ignorances.

"Sorry, got a little absorbed in my case analysis deep dive there for a second. Some grisly details across the newer homicides piling up that temporarily stole my focus." I motioned vaguely towards the monitors arrayed with bloodshot crime scene photos and alpha-numeric data matrices. "What's up?"

"Oh!" She averted her eyes in obvious discomfort at my cavalier allusions towards violence. Clearly one of the lab's multitude of junior functionaries bred from safe suburbia without a lick of real world conditioning. "Well, I mean - there's a new top priority homicide case that just got flagged. The Lt. wants you to start compiling a preliminary workup and head over to his office ASAP once you've got a solid framework pulled together."

Inclining my head in silent acknowledgment, I scanned the young tech's body language for additional pertinent cues. Not that her inexperienced breed of scientific saniteers ever absorbed much stimulus worth factoring into more metaphysically-substantive forensic computations. Little more than innocuous data nodes swept up amidst the city's raging metaphysical firestorms to mindlessly service various antiquated bureaucratic machines. 

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