July 7th 2023

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### Chapter 2:

Kam and Travis begin talking as if I'm not there.

"How's Khalen? We miss him!" Travis asks.

"He's great, definitely misses the team but loves New Orleans and being on the Saints," Kam replies.

"Alright, pause! What is going on...?" I interrupt, unable to contain my curiosity.

Kam looks a bit sheepish. "Sorry, Tay! Khalen is my brother, and he played with Travis on the Chiefs for his first few years in the NFL before moving to the New Orleans Saints."

"He's a defensive tackle," Travis adds.

"Wait, really? That's quite an invisible string," I say, cringing at my own joke. "But, Travis, I have no idea what you said."

"Defensive tackle?" he repeats, smiling.

"Yep," I confirm, feeling a bit out of my depth.

Travis leans in and whispers to Kam, "Why haven't you and Khalen introduced me to her before? I'm in love."

Kam's face drops in shock. He turns and walks over to me, smirking. "I'll leave you two to it," he says, giving Travis a knowing look.

"So, anyways... wanna grab a bite?" Travis asks, turning back to me. "I'm sure you're starving after that incredible performance."

"Aww, thanks. I'm tired, but I guess I could grab a bite," I reply, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

"Well, we are in my city, but if there's somewhere specific you want to go, it's up to you," he offers.

"Thank you, you're so kind. But honestly, I'd love anything you love," I say, appreciating his thoughtfulness.

"Alrighty, right this way," he says with a charming smile.

We enjoy a beautiful dinner at a cozy, dimly lit restaurant that Travis loves. The ambiance is perfect, intimate yet relaxed, allowing us to talk and laugh without any interruptions. Surprisingly, no one bothers us, and the press doesn't catch on. It's a rare and precious moment of normalcy.

After dinner, Travis suggests we head back to his place. "I know a great place where we can have dessert," he says, winking.

His home is beautiful—modern yet warm, with personal touches that make it feel inviting. We settle on the couch with some ice cream, talking about everything and nothing, losing track of time. The conversation flows effortlessly, and I find myself opening up to him in a way I hadn't expected.

"Do you ever just feel like some moments are meant to be?" I ask, looking at him. "Like everything in your life was leading up to this point?"

"Yeah, I do," he says softly, his eyes meeting mine. "Especially now."

We decide to watch a movie and end up choosing a light-hearted comedy. As the movie plays, we move to his bed, getting comfortable under the covers. The laughter and easy conversation continue, creating a perfect atmosphere of closeness and warmth.

At some point, I realize I'm resting my head on his shoulder, and his arm is wrapped around me. It feels natural, like we've known each other for much longer. The movie ends, but neither of us moves. Instead, we talk quietly about our dreams, our fears, and everything in between.

Eventually, our words become fewer, and we drift into a peaceful silence. I can feel his steady breathing and the warmth of his body next to mine. As my eyes grow heavy, I realize how content and safe I feel right here, right now.

"Goodnight, Taylor," he whispers, his voice filled with tenderness.

"Goodnight, Travis," I reply softly, snuggling closer.

We fall asleep cuddling, wrapped up in each other. This night, this feeling—it's something I'll cherish, knowing that it's just the beginning of something extraordinary.

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