skip 1year later bc im too lazy may 2024

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Tonight is a night I've been dreaming about for months. It's my grand return to the United States on the *Eras* tour, and the first time I'm bringing the *Tortured Poets Department* (TPD) set to the Americas. Miami, vibrant and sultry under the starlit sky, feels like the perfect city to share this deeply personal album with my fans.

The anticipation crackles in the air as I step onto the stage, draped in a gown that seems to shimmer with the same intensity as the city lights. My heart flutters with a blend of excitement and nervous energy—it's not just about the music tonight. There's a secret I've been waiting to reveal, a joy that's been building inside me.

As the lights dim and the first notes of the TPD set fill the arena, the crowd erupts in a thunderous roar of applause and cheers. Each song is a piece of my soul, a collection of stories and emotions that I've poured into this album. The lyrics spill from my lips with a raw intensity, echoing through the stadium and touching the hearts of everyone who listens.

Throughout the performance, my eyes keep gravitating to Travis in the audience. His presence grounds me, his love supporting me through every lyric and melody. I blow kisses to him, a silent acknowledgment of our shared journey amidst the spectacle unfolding around us.

But tonight isn't just about music—it's about a moment that will change everything. As we near the finale of the set, a hush falls over the crowd, anticipation hanging in the air like a tangible thing. I stand center stage, bathed in a spotlight that seems to amplify the beating of my heart.

With a nervous smile that belies the joy within me, I begin to unfasten the clasps of my gown. The fabric glides down, pooling around my feet like a waterfall of moonlight. Gasps ripple through the audience as they realize what's about to unfold.

And then, I speak the words that I've been holding close, the words that will forever alter the course of my life.

"Screaming, daddy, I love him, I'm having his baby," I declare, my voice strong and clear, carrying across the stadium like a gentle breeze. The revelation hangs in the air, a moment suspended in time, met with a wave of emotion that sweeps through the crowd like a tidal wave.

"Yes, I am," I continue, my voice tinged with joy and a hint of disbelief. I lock eyes with Travis, my heart overflowing with love and gratitude for the man who stands by my side. "And you should see your faces."

The stadium erupts into a symphony of cheers, tears, and applause, the sound reverberating off the walls and filling the night with an electrifying energy. I feel the love and support of my fans wash over me, their joy becoming my own as I bask in this moment of pure, unfiltered happiness.

As the night unfolds, I am surrounded by hugs, congratulations, and well-wishes from everyone around me. This chapter, woven with music, revelation, and boundless joy, marks the beginning of a new journey for me and Travis—a journey that will now include parenthood, filled with love, laughter, and the promise of a future as bright and dazzling as the Miami skyline.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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