July 8th 2023

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I wake up the next morning feeling more rested than I have in weeks. The sunlight is streaming through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. For a moment, I just lie there, taking in the tranquility of the moment, until I remember where I am. I turn my head slightly and see Travis still asleep beside me, his face relaxed and peaceful.

Carefully, I slip out of bed and head to the kitchen. I decide to surprise him by making breakfast. As I search through his kitchen for ingredients, I hear a soft chuckle behind me.

"Good morning, chef Taylor," Travis says, leaning against the doorframe with a sleepy smile.

"Morning! I thought I'd return the favor and make you some breakfast," I reply, holding up a carton of eggs and a loaf of bread.

"That sounds perfect," he says, coming over to help.

We move around the kitchen together, making scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee. It feels so natural, like we've done this a hundred times before. We chat and laugh, the conversation flowing easily.

After breakfast, we sit at the table, finishing our coffee. Travis looks at me, a serious expression crossing his face.

"Taylor, I had an amazing time last night. I don't want this to be just a one-time thing," he says, reaching across the table to take my hand.

"I feel the same way," I admit, my heart racing. "But our lives are so busy and public. How do we make this work?"

"We'll figure it out," he says confidently. "One step at a time. I really want to see where this can go."

I smile, feeling a mix of excitement and relief. "Me too."


The next few weeks fly by in a blur of concerts, interviews, and recording sessions. Travis and I text and call whenever we can, finding moments to stay connected despite our hectic schedules. We manage to meet up a few times in secret, cherishing every minute we get to spend together.

Then, one evening, as I'm preparing for a show, my phone rings. It's Tree.

"Taylor, we've got a plan for the soft launch of your relationship with Travis," she says, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

"What's the plan?" I ask, intrigued.

"We're going to use Travis's podcast with his brother. He'll mention the friendship bracelet story, but we'll tweak it a bit to say you never received it. It'll get the fans buzzing without making a direct announcement."

I grin, loving the idea. "That sounds perfect. Let's do it."


On the day the podcast is released, the fan response is immediate and intense. Social media is ablaze with speculation and excitement. The buzz about us is everywhere, and it feels exhilarating.

As September 24th approaches, I prepare for my first public appearance at one of Travis's games. I've managed to attend one secretly, slipping in and out without anyone noticing, but this time, all eyes will be on us.

The day of the game arrives, and as I step out of the car at the stadium, I'm greeted by a sea of cameras and flashing lights. I take a deep breath, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. I'm escorted to a private box, where I settle in and look out over the field.

The game is electric, the energy of the crowd palpable. When Travis looks up and our eyes meet, I wave, and he smiles, giving me a thumbs up. It's a small gesture, but it feels monumental.

The Chiefs play an incredible game, and when they win, the stadium erupts in celebration. I can see Travis beaming, and I feel a surge of pride and joy.

After the game, I make my way down to meet him. When he sees me, he pulls me into a hug, lifting me off the ground.

"You were amazing out there," I say, looking up at him.

"You were pretty amazing yourself," he replies, his eyes sparkling with happiness.

We head back to his place, where we settle on the couch to watch a movie. As the credits roll, we find ourselves in his bed, talking about everything and nothing. Eventually, we drift off to sleep, cuddled up together, content and happy.

This is just the beginning, and I can't wait to see where this journey takes us.

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