chapter 1

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Heyyy my readers:-))))

Hope you all are doing fine this is the second part of the RAGHUVANSHI'S where you will read about Mridula Adrija's best friend and Akshat Adrija's brother, read the story to know futher:-))))
and also don't forget to love the story, you vote and comment really matters alot, and also don't forget to follow me.

Mridula's pov

"I have a meeting to attend with a client I need to go to"  I said to my mother. 

"no you wont go to any meeting of yours , you will go the charity meeting Raghuvanshi's have hold today at 12pm " said my mother . 

Ofcourse I cant argue to her about anything she says last time I did I got a mark on my wrist and I was in my room for days .


"I don't want to pursue interior designer maa please , please let me go for an account and finance" .

I want to go in finance  but just because Adrija is pursuing this degree I have to do too .  This thing of my parents made me hate Adrija and her family . I tried to convince my family for this but was of no use instead I got a burnt mark on my wrist and now I am my room for 3 days .

Now that I am in the same college as her, we became friends when we shared a room. I have come to realize how pure of a person she is, and that my family is the ones who should be ashamed because we are the ones who constantly try to compete with her family.

Using charitable contributions, enrolling their children in the same college or institution, or doing whatever else my parents strive to emulate.

Flashback ends.

I got ready and was sitting in front of mirror lost in thoughts.

Adrija called me "Hey,  are you prepared for your meeting? "
Even she cares about my meeting but not my parents.
Yes, we are in the same field, but we are not jealous or in competition with each other.

"No, hmm actually my meeting got cancelled last minute , so I am coming for Charity meeting, will you be there too? " I said in low voice.

"Yes I will be there, but you sound so low is everything good? "
"Hmm yeah, yeahh, everything is fine, I am just not feeling well" I lied.
"I can be there to pick you up if you want, I am coming there with my brother should I pick you up? "
"If there's no trouble for you then I will be more than happy if you come, we will catch up with "the newly wed life lately" of yours too" I said.
"Sure, I will be there by 11"
We hung up the call.

I sat again numb and deep in thought.
Why my parents treated me so differently, different from my brother, he is in USA pursing medical, what he wanted to do always.
We rarely talk, because as he says he is always busy.

Why are my parents treating me so badly and abusively? I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

I went down to in hall for breakfast, when I saw my father sitting in living space , he looked angry and upset, something is up.
I went near him and asked him is everything okay?

"Papa is everything okay" I asked in scared voice.
"Noo nothing is okayyy, our business is falling apart" he screamed and started coming near me.
Before I could react he grabbed my wrist soooo tightly I was in terrible pain.
"Papa what are you doing, why are you this to me"
"It's your fault "
"How it can be my fault" it was not for the first time when he will beat me for something I have not done.
And there comes a slap on cheek.
"Don't answer me back bitch" He shouted.

Hello readers,

Mridula is very strong girl,even after all this , she is very calm . But there is a Strom waiting for her.

Learn more about it by continuing to read.

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