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Third person pov

It's there 3day in Ujjain,, Mridula was ignoring the fact that her mother wants to talk to her about something.
Mridula knows what her mother wants to talk about, about getting married, but Mridula can't get married to anyone, and also she is ignoring the feeling she is having for Akshat,, because she is afraid that when Akshat will get to know about her family and how her own father treat her, he will judge her and may be he will leave her too or make fun of her.

Akshat's pov

"Hello sir, there is an emergency in the office" Sahil informed me in hurried voice.

"What is happening now Sahil I have already checked and confirm the details of the product we are going to launch this Friday and today is already Wednesday what emergency came now"

"Sir, it will be good if you comer here and see it yourself " Sahil said

"Okay I will be therebby tomorrow afternoon"
I cut the call and left my room for a walk it was already 11 pm when I will return I will look for tickets.

"Mridula, we have already told you to convince the boy you saw last time so that he can marry you, he was the fourth boy that rejected you, you are such a unlucky girl who keeps getting rejection from everyone, you are good for nothing, look at Adrija, she got married to such a rich man, he got a man for himself too and you can't even do that " It was her mother's voice.

I didn't interrupt as I was already in a mess and I think Mridula is not very comfortable with me that's why she never shares anything with me,, but deep down I kept thinking why her mother mentioned my sister in their argument, and my sister knows about all this.

After a while when I was returning I saw Mridula's room gate was open I knocked at her gate so that I can inform him that I am leaving tomorrow morning, I don't know why but I wanted to inform that that I am going, I wanted to inform her that there is something wrong in the company and they need me.

I knocked for 4-5 times but there was no reply i entered the room and there was a humming voice.
I followed the voice which led to the balcony where I saw Mridula, sitting on a sofa and writing something, she was in her night dress a floral printed cotton  dress .

"Heyy " I said
"Hey,,,, so sorry I didn't hear you come in" She said and  hurrily closed the diary in which she was writing something, her eyes were red, she must have cried.

"I called you  too but it seems you are too busy"
"Yes I didn't heared the phone too, I was too lost "

" Okayy"
"Let's go inside it's quite humid here"

We moved inside that when I noticed her arms, her arms had bruises, with blue, black-ish color, .

"What's that? " I asked
She looked uncomfortable but I ignored that because I was concerned about that injury.

She hesitantly answered, "I hit myself off the wall while we were talking about some crucial work in the office. I didn't see the wall, clumsy me"

It was hard to believe,, but anyways I have to I don't want to force myself on her.

"I have some important work too in the office actually it's an emergency and my team needs me there so I will leave tomorrow morning" I said

"Ohhh okayy" She said in low voice

" Actually Akshat, I have some important work too if u don't mind can I join you on way back to Jaipur, because it's urgent I was thinking of booking tickets, should I look for yours too? " She asked

"Yeah wait I will get my laptop " I left the room and went to mine room to get my laptop.

Mridula's  pov

"Maa please understand, how can I leave the vacation in middle and go back to Jaipur to meet a new man for marriage it's all too much" I pleaded my mom

When my father entered my room and slapped me again I fell on the ground, I was trying to get up when my mother grabed my arms tightly and said "don't answer me back stupid girl, we can't keep you with us forever, Adrija is so smart she left her parents so early and look at you 23 already and yet you are a burden living with us"

I cried in pain not because of slap or the way my mother held my arms I was crying because of what she said, I, I was a burden for my parents, that's why they never loved me and gave me what I needed, what any child need from there parents.

After humiliating me, they left the room. I was crying while sitting on the balcony when Akshat arrived. He seems like a breath of serenity in my hectic life, even though I don't share any details with him. When I'm with him, my mind becomes really calm.

He saw the bruises, I made a stupid excuse which he released that's it's just a fake excuse because who gets injury on arm when they are hit on a wall stupid me and my stupid excuses.

He said that he is leaving tomorrow,, like whyyyyyyy why does he have to leave tomorrow I will die here alone then I got an idea, why not I go back to Jaipur this way I will meet the man my preyara forcing me to and I will stay away from my parents too.

He agreed too, while he is gone in his room I dialed my mothers number and informed her that I am going nack to Jaipur and I will meet his soon to be son in law (yeah whatever I know he is not gonna be that)

She was happy as I thought she will be.
I cut the call and started looking for tickets, when Akshat came back, he was wearing grey trackpants and a black t-shirts, which fitted him perfectly showing is broad chest and shoulder to die for, (girl control your hormones)

He smiled and asked "should we order something I am hungry? "

"Hungry yess I am hungry too "
"Should we order some dessert" we both said together and laughed.

He went near to the bed table to make rhe call for room service,, I noticed his back , his back was in shape too ofcourse,, he looked to fit, does he really eats dessert because as far as I have read articles on google regarding healthy lifestyle they say not to eat sugar, but anyways,,, I will take some fitness tips from his later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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