chapter 3

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I reached home at 5:15 pm and saw some people sitting in the living area, I greeted them and went into the kitchen to drink water, my mum came from behind and she pinched my arm very harshly I cried in pain, and she slapped me again.
I don't know what was happening because I didn't do anything wrong.

"Is this the time you should come, I asked you to be here at 5 pm, and it's 5:15, you are so careless" Mum said angrily.
"The,,there re was alot of traffic tha,,,that's why I couldn't make it at 5 and I am sorry for that'' i said and cried in pain.

''fine , go get ready ready , people have came to see you , they are here for your marriage "

" I don't want to get married right now ,please understand "

"stop crying bitch and go to your room "

"okay "

I could not fight with her right now I will have to wait for the right time .


She got ready in simple white kurti , she applied kajal , little bit of gloss and black bindi , she was looking pretty and beautiful, but not for her parents .

when she came down her mother gave her a side eye , Mridula ignored her for the moment and talked with the other party , the boy Mridula was going to get married was more aged than Mridula ,. He glanced at her with disgust. and his parents talked to her job and asked her if she is okay to leave the job after married before Mridula can reply to this ,her mother interrupted and said "yes Ofcourse , she will leave her job and she will look after the house like any other normal housewife"

Mridula was stunned after listening this she only prayed that may this nightmare would end soon , drop of tear escaped her eyes she quickly removed it , and smiled . After a few more minutes of chattering the other party got up and everyone said goodbye to each other.

As soon as they left Mridula turned back and wanted to talk to her parents , "papa I will not leave my job, and if I will leave my company, who will handle it, their are almost 50-60 workers under me whi will take care of them"

She tried to convince them, but failed, instead again her father slapped her, and not for one or twice but continuously for 10-15times and she fainted there.

Around 1:30 am, she woke up amd found herself in her room, she was feeling very tired and weak, she was also hungry, but she didn't had energy to leave her bed and bring some food for herself.

She wanted someone for her, but at that moment she broke, she cried alot, she was cursing herself that why she is even born? She wondered why her parents treated her this way? Why they never support her? Why they always compare herself to other?
Why, why and why?

After crying for hours, she gathered some courage to get up, she got up somehow and went to kitchen.
She drank water first, and while she was searching for food she realized there was someone behind her, she turned and looked, her cook kaka was there. (Kaka is not his original name, but this is what Mridula has always called her)

"Kaka what are you doing here, did I eole you up? " Mridula said in soft low voice.
"No, beta, I came to check if you need anything, I know you must be hungry, very hungry, and you also look to tired, but there is no food for you, give me 5min I will make something for you. "
"No kaka you go and rest, I will toast se bread for myself, btw kaka, why didn't u made dinner for me? "

"Of course I was not dead, I must be hungry, then why my dinner was prepared" She thought.

"Beta, your mother didn't allow us to make any extra food for you, she was very angry and looked mad, we didn't argued with her. " Kaka said

"Hmm okay kaka, please go and sleep kaka I will take care of my dinner I don't want to disturb anyone anymore now" She said

Kaka felt the pain behind her words and smile, he didn't argued back anything and left

Mridula was feeling terrible, but yet she somehow toasted two bread and ate them, after eating she agaim went straight to her room and slept.

Next day she woke up early and went for walk, even though she was tired and week, but she need some fresh air.

She walked to Central Park, put on her headphones, and began to stroll. She was lost in her own world and stopped after ten minutes when she came across a puppy and began playing with it.

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?" She heard a deep voice. She turned and look , it was Akshat's voice.

"Ohh hello good morning, I came for walk here " She was surprised seeing him here, because as much as she knows him he is not a walk person, hr is a gym person.

" Ofcourse you came here for walk, but so early like in 4, it's still dark outside, you should havr stayed at home" He said in concerning voice
"And also you are not looking very fine, you look weak"

"Aaa, noo, noo I am fine, and yes I came out so early because, because I was not able to sleep" She said looking here and there.

"Do you want to talk, look I m not Adrija but still you can trust me, afterall I am her elder brother"
"Yess, I know I can trust you, but there is nothing to share about" She was still not at his eyes while talking.
"Yes, you can trust me" Akshat said this is deep serious voice,
Listening this tone of him, Mridula looked at him and smiled.

After a walk , Mridula went to her place, she got ready and left for office.
It was just 7 in the Morning, so she decided to go to a coffee shop instead of her office.

She entered the shop and sat on the side table amd ordered her coffee and started working on her ipad, she loves to work.
She believes thag work is her only escape.

She got lost in her work after a good hour dhe heard a knock on her table, raised her head and saw Akshat.

"Helloo, madam,, look like you are follwing me" Akshat said in serious voice.

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