Small pranks

19 6 4

At morning,


Hmm after a long time I had great sleep .
I opened my eyes following with the sound of birds chirping . Then my eyes followed towards by hubby who was sleeping so cutely.

He was looking so cute . I took my phone and started clicking his sleepy photos . Until one idea came in my mind and smirked at him .

You made me jealous right ? Now see what I do !!
I said and got up from his hold and went towards my dressing table to bring lipstick.

I quickly went towards him and applied lipstick over his lips and cheeks . He was seriously looking like a joker . I wanted to laugh so badly . I clicked his photos and went to take shower .

I wored a plain pink saree and went out towards mom to help her for breakfast. I showed mom his photos she was also laughing a lot .

Beta .. beta this is so funny oh godd!!!
SHe said in between her laugh .

We were laughing a lot until a shout reached towards my ears . Fuck I'm doomed now !!

With a steady steps I entered inside the room only to find him washing his face aggressively. His veins were popping out .

Oh god ritika why did you did that ?!? He is so mad now !! He will eat you alive .

With a little confidence I made my steps towards him . He looked angrily towards me first but ignored and was rubbing his face aggressively.

Like-like this you will hurt yourself
I said while stammering.

Why do you care ?
He said ignoring me

With a heavy sigh I went towards him and took towel in hand and made him turn towards me . His hands were clenching.

I stared rubbing those lipstick from his face slowly and lightly .

Give me and go from here .
He said while taking towel from my hands but I raised my hands and denied him .

I'm doing na stay quite.
I said looking at his eyes .

While cleaning him I muttered slowly,
I'm sorry okay ! You were looking so cute that made me do that !
I said while pouting.

This wouldn't had happen if you weren't looking cute .. so next time don't look cute !! Or else I'll doing bad than this .
I throwed towel on his face and ran away from there laughing loudly.

RITIKA RITIKA !!! Stop there or else see what I do !!
He said shouting at me ..

Ritik's PoV,

She seriously did that with me !! And even said don't look cute or else she will do bad than this .
I chuckled thinking she is getting comfortable finally .

I quickly took shower and wore grey sweatpant and hoodie . I went towards the dining table to have my breakfast.

I saw her with mrs. Singhania and Priya they were laughing at something. I saw from behind she was showing my joker face to everyone.

I gritted my teeth and took phone from her hand . She shouted at me and tried to take the phone . I raised it higher and smirked at her .

I quickly deleted those photos and gave her phone . She was bubbling with anger but soon anger fade and smirk took over . I got lil confused.

She came towards me and said ,
Oh dear hubby , you are so smart but I'm way more smarter than you .. you thought you deleted those photos and everything got over ? So innocent of you ... I already shared those photos to Priya already .. am I right my sister-in-law ?

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