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BEFORE READING: Most characters are already drawn at-

Please refer to those when reading (authors notes)

3:22 A.M. FEBUARY 6TH, 2011
37321, TENNESSEE, U.S.A.

“What was that noise?” Rayne said waking me up.  I didn’t personally hear it, but the noise seemed to startle her.  “I didn’t hear anything,” I said, “It was probably just some deer or something.  Come back to bed.”  She didn’t seem convinced, so she got up and started towards the door.  “I’m sure it’s nothing, but I want to-” She was interrupted by what sounded like a gunshot.  This time I had heard what had startled her, but I wasn’t sure what the sound was either.  “COME FACE ME YOU TRAITOROUS BASTARD!”  A mysterious voice yelled from deep in the woods right outside my window.  “Who the hell is that?” said Rayne. “I’m not sure,” I lied, for that voice was Chihime no doubt.   Rayne had never come face-to-face with her and if I had my way, she never would.  I knew right then we weren’t safe where we were.  “We need to leave right now,” I exclaimed urgently, “Follow me.  This will be the fastest way out.” Pointing to the window, I made my way to it hoping that going this way would keep our paths from crossing.  “Wait, the yelling came from that direction, wouldn’t it be better to use the front door?” Rayne asked.  “No time, we would make it away from her quicker if we leave here.” I said grabbing her hand and pulling her to the window.  She ripped her hand back yelling, “HER?!?! I thought you didn’t know who that was….”  I had said the wrong thing.  Without thinking I pulled the window open, grabbed her hand again and darted out the window.  We landed much rougher than I had originally planned, but I hadn’t thought of what to do now.  Rayne wasn’t going anywhere until I explained the situation.  “Her name is Chihime. She is a Vampire from The Guard.  I had originally agreed to spy for The Guard until I realized the United Forces weren’t a bad group of people.  Since I refused to keep giving them information, she is here to force it out of me.”  Silence lingered for a few seconds before she replied with a furious scowl, “You’re a spy for The Guard???” “Is that all you heard?” I replied quickly, “Did you not also hear why she is here to begin with?  I’m refusing to spy for them anymore.  I would rather work with the United Forces.”  She stood there silent for a few seconds contemplating what I had said.  Before she could reply I said pulling her hand, “We still need to get out of here regardless.  We can sort this out later.”  She nodded reluctantly and followed.  We ran for a bit before we heard glass shattering “YOU CAN’T RUN BEN.  YOU MAY NOT BE HUMAN, BUT MAGE BLOOD HAS A DISTINCT SMELL AS WELL!”  Chihime yelled from what seemed like my house.  “She’s not far behind us, she will outrun us.  We will have to fight her.”  I said to Rayne preparing for the worst.  We stopped and I examined the area.  It was dark, leaves covered the ground, trees in every direction, and it had to be well below freezing.  After a few seconds Chihime came darting towards us.  She quickly stopped slamming her foot into a root nearly uprooting the tree it belonged to.  I then knew the noise was not gunshots, but rather trees hitting the ground from Chihime’s rage.  “There you are.” she said quickly turning her attention to Rayne, “Who is she?”  She paused for a moment when she realized the United Forces crest on Rayne’s pajamas.  “Ahh, I understand now,” She started again, “You’ve fallen for this whore.  I had no clue the United Forces had a Succubus in their ranks.  Well, there is an easy way to fix this problem.” She reared back ready to charge us saying, “If I kill her, you will have no reason to defy us anymore.”  She started charge Rayne.  “MOVE!”  I said teleporting between her and Chihime.  I quickly froze the moisture in the air between us into a poorly shaped shield.  I embraced for impact.  The ice shattered and a warm feeling filled my face.  Before I realized what happened I checked to see if Rayne was okay.  Apparently I had bought enough time for her to fly up out of the way.  “BEN!!!!” I heard as everything went black.  I didn’t feel cold anymore my face was extremely hot, and my body was numb. 

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