Chapter 6

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"Good Morning Special Mix team. Here's your area. Please prepare your product samples" The organizer informed us and we thanked him.

It's the first day of the event. The awarding will happen on the second day.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Good morning, I'm your host Anjie Santos and we're here to showcase the talents of different designers worldwide! Are you ready?" The audience yelled in response.

Sasha tapped my shoulders. "Ma'am I Hindi Po ba si sir Trenz iyon?"  ("Ma'am, Isn't that sir Trenz?") She pointed to Trenz who's in the corner near the stage.

"Yeah" That didn't surprise me because he's the one who suggested that I join here. He's probably part of the event.

"Before we start the competition, I would like to call the brave, smart and beautiful lady. Without her, this competition won't be possible. Please welcome, the owner ofJewel Tales and El & Jo clothing line.... Ms. Ellia Wendy Raquelia together with her brother, Johansson Trenz Raquelia!! Please give them a round of applause!" This time, I was surprised. She is the lady why Trenz bought a bracelet from my store. I even remembered the name he asked me to put. Ellia

Looking at the big screen, she's tall and pretty. She has long dark hair with light blonde highlights. Long lashes and glossy lips. An hour glass body. She's so beautiful just like a model. No, better than a model.

"Hi everyone! First of all, I want to thank my brother for helping me make this event possible and for every fashion designer and business owner who's here to join. So, let's now start the competition and have fun!" She gave a little speech and got off the stage with Trenz.

Sasha and Dwix prepared our models and I am thinking about my spiels. I need to explain 10 different styles of my bracelets. There's a big screen so it will be easy for the judges to see them.

I was looking at the bracelet in my wrist. It's a special bracelet my childhood friend gave me. It's a charm bracelet that has a heart pendant. She said that when my soulmate and I met, the pendant will beep and light.

I was hoping it would be her. She lived in Singapore at that time so we only interacted online. We cut off because of her parents who disapprove in our friendship.

"Special Mix? You're next. Be ready backstage" I suddenly got up and my models followed me.

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