chapter 3 - confrontation

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daphne and i talked for a long time , and we decided to get ready at her house before our debutes infront of the queen . we wanted to be together , as best friends , as this was a very important moment in my life . and soon it was past lunchtime , and i had to go . i and daphne headed downstairs when colin suddenly popped up out of nowhere . 
'Colin!' Daphne exclaimed, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Colin, ever the charmer, sauntered in, he was also one of my very close freinds , and someone i shared my not so appreciatable secretes .

'Amelia, you're always here. You might as well move in. It would save you a lot of time,' he teased.

"maybe i will , and life for you wouldnt be so boring anymore with me in it . ill be making you do all my work"

colin rolled his eyes at me playfully before dropping the big question "did you recieve the news? , benedicts coming home"

from the mischievous and teasing glint in his eyes , i knew what he wanted . a reaction ,and i wasnt going to give it to him .

'So what?' I answered nonchalantly.

'I was just making you aware. You both were inseparable, you do realize that,' he pressed.

Before I could argue, Daphne cut in, 'Benedict sent her a letter personally.'

And that was all Colin needed to tease me for an entire lifetime. He knew about my past affection for Benedict, a secret I'd shared only with him. I used to have a teeny tiny crush on him, but that was in the past. I wanted to tell Daphne, but I knew she wouldn't be fond of the idea. So I never really told her, but sometimes I think she always knew.

'Are you heading out, Amelia?' Colin asked, his tone shifting.

'Yeah, home,' I replied.

'Ah, then let me chaperone you. I'm heading to town anyway,' he said, stretching out his arm.

I interwined mine in his and bid Daphne farewell.

'So, are you excited?' Colin asked, struggling to contain his smile.

'For what?' I countered.

'Benedict's coming back. That surely must have some effect on you,' he persisted.

'I am sorry to disappoint you, but it doesn't,' I replied, my tone harsh.

The air crackled with unspoken tension as Colin's playful teasing met my icy retort. 'Really,' I repeated, my voice flat. I wasn't sure if I was convincing even myself. The truth was, Benedict's return stirred something deep within me, a ghost of a feeling I thought I'd buried long ago.

Colin, ever the perceptive one, sensed my struggle. He dropped his arm from mine, his smile fading. 'Amelia, you don't have to pretend with me,' he said, his voice softer now. 'I know you cared for him. I know you still do, even if you won't admit it.'

I stopped walking, my heart pounding against my ribs. This was the conversation I'd been dreading, the one I'd been avoiding. 'It's not like that anymore,' I insisted, my voice slightly wobbly. 'It was just a silly crush. I'm over it.'

Colin's gaze held mine, unwavering. 'Is that what you tell yourself? Or is it what you want to be true?'

The weight of his words settled on me like a cloak.
no , i dont have feelings for benedict anymore , they are long gone .

"its true . i dont like him anymore . and i have other plans this season . "

'Like what?' Colin inquired, his curiosity piqued.

i  returned his smile with an enigmatic expression. 'You shall see. This season, I will chase my passion and make my dreams a reality.'

As i spoke, i envisioned my exquisite gowns adorned on ladies of all ranks. i saw their heads held high and their spirits lifted by the beauty and comfort of my creations. That was my aspiration—to empower women through fashion.

Colin watched me with a mixture of amusement and skepticism. 'And what might this passion be?'

"you will see my dear friend"

'Very well, Amelia,' he said with a hint of amusement in his tone. colin was a gentleman , but i knew he wouldnt think that i was exceptionally talented , i wasnt , but i could do better than fall in love and get married . i could create and have a life built with my hardwork and passion .

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after i reached home , i sat on my room for quite sometime . and there it was :

I had a plan.

My mother, bless her heart, was convinced that a marriage, any marriage, was the answer to all my problems. But i had other plans. I had a fire within me, a passion that pulsed with the desire to create. And marriage, with its suffocating expectations and endless social obligations, would only extinguish that flame.

but i had a better idea. I would use the pressure of marriage as a springboard, a well-disguised opportunity to pursue my dream. I would create, and I would create exquisitely.

The key was Daphne. My dearest friend, a whirlwind of beauty and wit, she was the perfect person for the job. She had a natural elegance that could make even the most mundane dress sing, and I, knowing her like the back of my hand, could tailor my creations to accentuate her every charming curve and grace.

I saw the image in my mind: Daphne, radiant in a gown of soft blue, her eyes sparkling like blue sapphires, a cascade of blue flowers woven into her hair. It would be a masterpiece, a dress that would not only enchant but also capture the attention of the entire Ton.

And there was Madame Delacroix, with her sharp eye for fashion and her undeniable influence in the world of London society. I knew she could help me launch my designs, to propel my creations onto the stage of high society. By focusing my designs on Daphne, and then having Madame Delacroix take them to the masses, my dresseswould become a hit within the female population of the ton .

My goal was set: to be the most sought-after dressmaker in London. I would make dresses that were not merely pretty, but daring, pieces of art crafted to enhance the individual beauty of each woman who wore them.

i could almost see my future . The future where the air wouldn't be thick with societal pressure, but with the scent of silk and the rustle of beautiful fabric. A future where the only goal wasn't to be married, but to be remarkable.

but no one could ever know that i was the one making the dresses . my family will be ruined if that happens , and i had to make sure that no one will find out .     ☆゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜★ ・✦▭▭▭✧◦✦◦✧▭▭▭✦ ・

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