chapter 4 :home

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The carriage lumbered to a halt, the familiar sound of the horses' hooves on cobblestones a comforting melody after four long years. 'We are here, sir,' the coachman announced, his voice gruff but kind.

Mayfair greeted me with an explosion of color. Cherry blossoms painted the streets in shades of pink and white, their sweet scent mingling with the aroma of street vendors' wares. A buzz of activity filled the air - the rhythmic clanging of blacksmiths' hammers, the lively banter of hawkers, the cheerful chatter of families strolling along. It felt good to be back.

Eton had been an adventure, a whirlwind of academic challenges and social encounters. But Mayfair was different. It was home, a place where I felt a sense of belonging I never quite experienced at school.

As I stepped out of the carriage, a wave of warmth washed over me. My family stood before me, their faces a kaleidoscope of smiles and relief. Anthony, my brother, clapped me on the back, his voice booming, 'Benedict, you look well. Manly, almost.'

'He looks like a forty-year-old,' Eloise retorted from behind, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

'Ah, there's my favorite sister. I was hoping for one of your witty counters,' I said, a smile gracing my lips. Daphne and francesca hugged me as well and mothers face wore a frown .

'Benedict, my dear,' Mother exclaimed, her voice laced with concern, 'You've been positively tanned. We sent you to paint, and I believe it's done indoors.'

Instead of replying, I embraced her tightly. The faint scent of lilacs, her signature perfume, calmed me in a way I hadn't realized I needed. I missed her, more than I thought possible.

Francesca and Gregory, the youngest of our brood, danced around me, their excited chatter a symphony of questions about souvenirs. 'Did you bring me a new book, Benedict?' Francesca squealed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Gregory, ever the adventurer, demanded, 'what all did you eat benedict , you must tell me all the wonderfull pastries you had at eton!'

I tried to calm them down, but the little rascals wouldn't leave me alone. Their chaotic energy, their relentless curiosity, was a balm to my soul. It was a constant reminder that I was home.

As I watched my family, their faces lit with joy at my return, I realized that Mayfair was more than just a place. It was a tapestry woven with love, laughter, and the comfort of belonging. It was where I truly belonged. And I, Benedict Bridgerton, was finally home.

After the noisy greeting, we all settled in the drawing room. I unpacked my suitcase, handing out gifts: a pen for Anthony, a diary for Colin, a necklace for Daphne, Byron for Eloise, satin for Francesca, and toys for Hyacinth and Gregory.

After a short chat, I headed upstairs to my room, unpacking my suitcase carefully. I pulled out the emerald brooch I had bought for Amelia. I had found it in the town market, its shade eerily resembling her eyes, almost a perfect match. I'd bought it for her, hoping it would bring a smile to her face.

She hadn't replied to a single letter in the past four years. Not even one. Though it hurt my feelings, I couldn't understand why. Nonetheless, I truly hoped to see her. She was a big reason why I missed being home. Her laughter, her dramatic sighs, her baseless arguments - I missed them all. And suddenly, I felt an urge to visit the Montgomerys. I hadn't seen Philip in a long time either. He was my sparring partner, my rakish and charming best friend.

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