chapter 6- a beatifull day

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The sweet, buttery scent of the Parisian eclairs hung heavy in the air, a tantalizing promise of pure indulgence. But Benedict was making sure that promise remained unfulfilled.

'Benedict! Give that back, you've already had three pieces and I haven't even had a single one!' I screamed, chasing him around the perimeter of the Bridgerton abode's sprawling backyard.

'Why don't you just come and get it?' He challenged, waving the eclair triumphantly in the air.

'Give. It. Back,' I gritted out, my frustration mounting. These eclairs were specially made by a renowned Parisian chef visiting Mayfair, and I was going to be furious if Benedict devoured the last one.

'No,' he laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

I grabbed a bunch of fabric from my gown, hoping it would help me catch him, but it made little difference.

'Aww, look at that, little Mia trying to catch up with me. How adorable,' he taunted, pushing me further into a fit of annoyance.

'I am not little, if I am little then you are little too, Benedict, seeing as you're only four years older than me,' I retorted, trying to maintain my dignity.

'Yes, you are little, Amelia. Maybe not physically, but if we're talking about mental maturity, we might as well take ten years off your age,' he teased, his voice dripping with mock seriousness.

I rolled my eyes at him in annoyance. 'Just give me the eclair, Benedict, or else!' I demanded, my voice cracking a little.

'Or else what?' he challenged, his smile widening.

'Or else I'll-' Before I could finish the sentence, Benedict dropped the eclair into his mouth. I lunged forward in an attempt to snatch it from him, but it was too late. Instead, we both tumbled to the ground, landing in a tangled heap.

'Owww,' I groaned dramatically, opening my eyes. My heart skipped a beat. Benedict was on top of me, and I was underneath him, our bodies pressed together. My cheeks flushed crimson, and my heart pounded against my chest. Benedict, seemingly oblivious to my distress, broke into a teasing smile.

'Amelia, I know I have a handsome face, but it's improper to stare,' he said, his voice laced with amusement.

i scoffed, but my voiceas barely a whisper. 'Stare? Can you please stop being delusional, Benedict?' But my eyes remained fixed on his, and up until now , i didnt realise benedicts eyes were my favourite shade of blue.

'Really?' Benedict leaned closer, his breath warm against my ear. 'Are you sure you don't find me attractive?'

i smirked internally . i knew this was a game he played very often. A game he was undeniably good at. i knew where this was going , two can play that game .

In a swift, surprising move, i grabbed Benedict's arm and pulled him down, flipping their positions. Now, i was the one on top, my weight pinning him to the ground.

Leaning in close, i whispered, 'Yes, Benedict, you may be handsome, but I've definitely seen better.'

Then, with a victorious smile, i stuck out my tongue, mimicking his earlier teasing.

Benedict threw back his head and laughed, the sound echoing through the trees. 'Okay, okay, I accept defeat,' he said, holding out his hand. 'Help me up.'

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