I did it

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Thomas's POV

I tried to relax myself and get some sleep. But my eyes keep on flutter open and a video of my friends dying repeats in my head.

Chuck.. I promised him that I will find his mother.. But that young innocent kids heart was stabbed. He will see his mother and father up in the clouds but seeing him die for me made me feel like it's all my fault.. I didn't keep the promise..

Newt, falling to the ground.. I ran to the van, filled with guilt. What have I done? I should had just leaved him alone.. But if I didn't pull the trigger he would be in pain. Pain eating him alive..

Teresa... My oldest friend that I knew since beginning of my new life with WICKED. Now the girl I though I would have forever is gone... Who imagined that she would use her own life for me... I had been rude to her. I didn't forgive her, she tried to explain everything to me but I treat her as a monster...

All this guilt came and covered me. I couldn't handle it, it sad too much to handle.
I pull out a gun from my pocket, my hand on the trigger and held it out across from my head.
I heard someone's footstep cony towards me.
"Thomas! Thomas no!!" It was Brenda, coming to me. She was in rush.
But I didn't wait for her to come and stop me... I forced my finger to pull the trigger....
My eyes were closed and darkness took over..

Dear TommyWhere stories live. Discover now