Chapter 1 Grounders

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Octavia POV

I find a diner about 5 blocks away and I sit at the counter eating a slice of dutch apple pie, my one weakness next to chocolate of course, when I first spot them.

"It say she likes long walks and The Notebook" a girl with wavy golden hair says setting some serious cash on the table.

"No, she likes roller coasters and Bridesmaid's" says another girl with wavy brown hair, lighter than mine, laying even more cash on the table.

"You girls just need to pay more attention" says a third latina girl with thick reddish brown hair. "I'm going to call with hiking and Saving Private Ryan" she smirks confidently, laying more cash in the middle of the table.

All three, are beautiful, if dressed a little less conservatively than I'm used to. I almost blush looking at the amount of legs and cleavage on display this early in the morning.

The second girl lifts the magazine and reads aloud, "Miss Jenna from Dallas likes the outdoors and Saving Private Ryan! " she ends in disbelief.

"Yoy had to have seen this one!" The blond grumbles.

"You are such a cheater Raven!" The brown haired girl complains.

"Umm, hellooo, she's wearing Army boots. I mean what else would it have been?" The redhead laughs, scooping up the cash.

Once they settle down the blond girl raises her glass of OJ. "To Lexa and her last week as a Grounder girl. She will be impossible to replace"

They all three toast when suddenly the song Bang Bang comes on the radio and the red head gets up and starts dancing, gyrating to the beat. "Hey Finn, turn that up baby!"

He complies while the girls dance and goof around before they resume eating their breakfast.

"Do you know those girls? " I smile at the man they referred to as Finn as he refills my coffee.

"Well, they're in here every morning around this time. They have to wind down after work." he adds knowingly.

I glance back at them and return my gaze to him. He's not unattractive but not really my type. "Are they hookers?" I whisper innocently.

"No" he almost chokes on his laughter. "They're Grounder Girls" he says tossing me a pack of matches with the bar information on it.
He walks away to give menus to some new customers that have just walked in.

I pocket the matches, finish my pie and head back to my apartment.


I have been looking for a job for almost two weeks with no luck. I'm not trying to be picky, but I really don't want to waitress. I mean I do have a freaking college degree.

As a return from a long day of job searching I notice my apartment door is slightly open. I cautiously push the door open and notice my place has been ransacked.

They took my laptop, my tv and my stereo. Those were really the only valuables I had. As I step in further I notice the stove and kitchen are in disarray. The remnants of a frozen pizza sitting at the table.

What the hell! That asshole made himself food too!!?

As I cross to the freezer I notice something else. The coffee can is open and my emergency cash stash is gone!

I sink down on the floor next to the counter, trying not to have a panic attack.

When I calm down a bit I notice the matches from Grounders on the floor not too far away. I wonder to myself if the girl Lexa left and if they still need a replacement because now I need to get a job really fast.

Grounders(#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now