chapter 21 Girl talk

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Clarke POV

I'm busy restocking the bar when Raven walks in.

"Hey Griffin. I thought you could use some help."

"Avoiding Wick?" I smirk.

"Shut up!" She stomps off to grab a case of beer. So I decide to let her be. I have my own issues.
It has been two weeks since Bellamy said he loved me. Two weeks and I haven't said it back to him. At least not in words.

We've only been dating about 5 months now and I don't want to hurt him.

I don't want to get hurt. I sigh just as Raven returns.

"So what's your problem?" She asks while opening the box she plopped on the floor.

"Who says I have a problem?"

"The fact that you are avoiding my question. Be a good girl and tell Raven all about it."

"Bellamy told me he loves me."

"Clarke! That's awesome! Congratu..."

"I didn't say it back." I break into her heartfelt congratulations.

"Why the hell not?"

"I was scared! Ok?! He caught me off guard and now I think I've screwed up."

"When did it happen?"

"Two weeks ago."

" Two weeks ago!!! And I am just now hearing about this because!?"


"Ok, ok",she deflates. "Look, just tell him how you feel? Easy."

"Easy huh. Isn't it too late for that?"

Raven smiles, "It's never too late."

As I consider Raven's words I suddenly remember today is her day off. "So how's Wick?"

"Fine." She says weakly.

"Why are here and not with him?"

"He proposed."

"WHAT??!" I squeal.

"You heard me. He's perfect for me but I honestly never thought about marriage before I met him. What if it's too soon? I told him I needed a few days."

"Rae, engaged is not married. You love him right?" She nods. "Then say yes and enjoy being engaged. Just don't set a date until you know you're ready for the next step."

Raven looks at me in shock then starts to giggle.

"What's so funny?" I huff.

"How come we can give great advice to each other but we suck when it comes to our own love lives?" She snickers and we both collapse into giggles.

As we are lost in our laughter when a girl walks in.

"I'm looking for the owner." She announces.

"You're looking at her. How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for a job. My name is Echo, Echo Winter." She smiles uncertainly.

"I'm Clarke and this is Raven. Have you ever bartended before?"

"Yeah, I used to work at the Dropship." She replied, taking off her leather jacket.

"Why'd you quit?" I asked pointedly giving her a onceover. She was dressed in some skin tight jeans, heels and had on an oversized white sweater falling off her shoulder with a black bra peeping out.

Yeah, a lot of guys would find her attractive.

"Because the new manager Cage Wallace can't keep his hands to himself! Plus I think I would be a good fit here."

Yeah, I've heard the rumors about Cage Wallace. He has a reputation with women but he's never been called out on it.

"He didn't hurt you did he?"

"Not as bad as I hurt him!" She answers firmly and I nod approvingly.

"You know we do more than just bartending right?" I ask her, shifting my attention back to Echo. "We perform too, you'd also have to learn how to flair if you don't already know how."

"Flair?" She asks, brows raised.

"Raven, please show Echo the meaning of flair."

Raven gets up with a smirk and proceeds to get three glasses from the bar, spinning and flipping them around before lining them up neatly and filling two with beer and one with a shot of whiskey.

Echo's eyes widen with a smile. " I think I'm going to need a little practice on that."

"Yeah, we get that a lot. Between Raven and Indra you'll have it down in no time. Indra teaches self defense too it's a job reqirement. The dances are taught by Octavia. You will learn the group stuff first and we'll talk about a possible Solo once you're fully trained in everything else."

"Does that mean I'm hired?"

"Well, You start on Friday night. You get the job if you can handle it for two weeks. Think of it as an audition. Deal?" I ask her offering her a beer while grabbing the whiskey for myself.

"Deal." She responds as we clink our glasses together.

"Good. Drink up, training starts tomorrow."


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