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TW// Violence, blood

This town gave Elias the chills. It was cramped with buildings, its architecture was messy and drab, going up to three storeys high. The ones at the coast, closest to the harbour were shops, pubs, bars, and hotels. The houses became more cramp the further up the street they went.

The crew, Sabur had sent to accompany Elias through the town, were walking around him, as if they were trying to hide him from something - or someone. There were so many different people here - poor and rich, the ones who held their heads high and the ones who seemed like they didn't want to be seen. There were pirates, sailors, women dressed in big gowns and Elias noticed that the further up they went, there were more young boys dressed in the same greenish dresses. They were only separated by the different coloured bracelets on their wrists.

Elias pulled his hood closer to his face. Sabur had made it clear that his face mustn't be seen. It was because of that and because of the smell. The air was full of dampness and the town stank of filth that people were throwing on the streets. It was unbearable.

Somehow, he knew this town couldn't mean anything good. He was certain he would've been even more uncomfortable if it weren't for Nick. After Sabur ordered the ship to sail towards Bradfordshire, Nick stormed into his cabin, with a face of agonising worry.

Elias couldn't hear clearly what they were talking about. It was something about The Green Woman, not working with her and a mask. He could hear Nick's worried voice. Elias just wanted to jump over the railings - Bradfordshire couldn't mean anything good for him. Yet, when Nick came out, he looked more at peace. He noticed Elias watching him and gave him a warm reassuring smile.

"We're here."

Elias almost crashed into Kian, who suddenly stopped in front of a small shop, hidden in a side street. He moved to the side and pushed Elias towards the open door.

They struggled to fit in the small, cramped shop. Elias looked around, still holding his hood over his head. The shop was filled with shelves of handmade jewellery of all shapes and colours. Elias was in awe with all the colours glimmering around him. Elias could finally take a big breath. The air smelled of Winlies, small violet flowers.

Someone entered the room through the door behind a counter. It was a woman of an older age. Her dark brown hair was just greying at its roots and she had it pulled up into a neat bun. Two match pairs of blue stone earrings hung down her ears. She was dressed in a white plain dress. Elias' eyes met with her green ones. She smiled at him kindly - the same warm smile as Nick's.

"Do ya have it?"

Elias snapped back, remembering that he should be covering his face. The woman looked at Kian and nodded. She crouched down to retrieve something from behind the counter. When she stood up she moved to Elias and handed him something wrapped in cloth.

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