Warmth in Coldness

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This chapter may be disturbing to some readers please check the Trigger warnings.

TW// Sexualassault, Child abuse/pedophilia, abuse, violence

Elias slept in till midday. The throbbing of the wound seized, but his head still felt like a cannonball when he moved. He contemplated staying on the ship that day, but his mind kept returning to the previous evening. Did the lady from the shop manage to get back safely? She looked terrified, she wasn't even able to speak. Elias had to make sure she was okay.

He grabbed his things and emerged from the cabins and just as he was about to pull down his mask he stumbled across Nick.

"You've slept through almost the entire day. What were you doing yesterday?"


Nick tilted his head and smiled with concern. "That stitch on your jaw doesn't look like nothing."

Elias jerked his head to the left to conceal it from Nick and was instantly punished by a small pang of pain. "I just tried to help someone. Some drunk attacked her... I was just a bit too slow." He looked at Nick with determination in his eyes. "I'm going back, to make sure she's okay."

"You're too good for your own good, kid." He placed his hand on his shoulder as he passed him. "Glad at least someone here has a heart."

You are good too, Elias wanted to say, but Nick was already on his way down the stairs and disappeared behind a door. Elias pulled down the mask and ran into the harbour.

He had only once been to the shop that the lady worked in and because he was trying to avoid the main street, he had some trouble finding it again. Eventually, he stumbled upon it and realised it wasn't too far away from the market square. That meant that the lady didn't have too long of a way to her shop yesterday.

Elias was relieved to see her behind the counter as he entered the boutique. When she saw him, her eyes glowed, as if she too was worried wheter Elias made it safely through the night.

Elias pulled down his mask and smiled back at her. "I'm glad you made it back safely."

She nodded a couple of times and then reached down to retrieve something. Then she came to Elias, took his hand, and gave him something. Elias looked down at a pouch full of peigs. He immediately pushed it back to her.

"N-no. I can't take this." He stumbled. The woman placed a hand over her chest and then extended it towards Elias. He didn't quite understand what she was doing and why she wasn't speaking to him. "I don't need anything. He would've hurt you if I hadn't helped."

She gestured at the wound on Elias' jaw and frowned.

"It's okay. It doesn't hurt at all." He lied.

The woman stopped as if she was thinking, then she beckoned Elias to follow her behind the counter. She opened the door and gestured for Elias to enter. He took a quick look, to make sure she wasn't taking him anywhere dangerous.

The room was even smaller than the shop, but it was big enough for a small kitchen, a bed, and a table. Elias carefully stepped in as the lady offered him to sit down. Then she retrieved a small container from a shell and opened it.

It was some kind of cream with red flowers mixed in it. She gestured at it and then to Elias' wound. Elias slowly nodded and moved his head, so she could apply the cream over his wound.

It emitted a vile odour, but as soon as the lady spread it across the skin, the stinging pain went away. Elias couldn't help but ask.

"You can't talk?" The lady pointed to her mouth and shook her head with a sour expression. "Why?"

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