Touch of Death

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This chapter may be disturbing to some readers please check the Trigger warnings.

TW// Sexualassault, Child abuse/pedophilia, blood

It was, again, Nick who cleaned his wounds, bandaged them, and took him to his net. Elias was passed out for a whole day and when he finally woke up, he struggled to make himself sit up. Every inch of his body hurt.

"You're up."

Elias slowly looked at Nick, carrying a plate of what Elias guessed was dinner. He laid down and turned away from him. He knew Nick heard everything. Suddenly, he felt ashamed and embarrassed. Elias was aware it wasn't the first time and it probably wouldn't be the last, but just knowing Nick heard it...

"You know you don't need to hide the pain from me."

Elias bit down on his lower lip, struggling to keep the tears from falling. He knew it. He knew he could turn to Nick. Moreover, Nick was the only one Elias ever allowed himself to be vulnerable with. But he couldn't keep crying in his arms.

"It will stop." he said in a low voice. "The beatings."

Elias sniffled. Just him mentioning it, spread pain through his body.

"If you do as you are told, he will stop." Nick paused, swallowing down hard. "Everyone here had to go through it. Just don't let it get to you." He placed the plate by his net. "But I know that won't be a problem for you. You are strong Elias. Always remember that."

Elias wanted to turn around, but he was afraid he would burst out into tears if he did that. When he finally decided to turn to him, Nick was already long gone.

Elias stayed in his net for two days, not wanting to move. The pain was agonising, and it took everything for Elias not to weep in pain. He only sat up to change the bandages and to eat. In the two days, he had time to think about Nick's words.

He didn't believe him fully.

The crew only seem to think he is strong because Elias wouldn't let them see otherwise. He would never let them know how much he suffered. Nick was the only one who knew his other side. Why then, did Nick believe he was strong?

Elias' body began to ache, not from the pain but from lying down for days. It was night and the crew was sound asleep. He slowly got to his feet and took his jacket. Elias wanted to leave the mask behind. It hurt when he wore it, for it was pressing on the bruise on his cheek. In the end he still put it on.

Like Nick said, he just had to do what Sabur told him to.

The night's in Bradfordshire were chilly, but the breeze felt nice against Elias' bruised body. He sat down by the ship's railing looking towards the sea. He pulled out his father's dagger like he always would when he was alone and couldn't sleep.

Elias traced the lines carved in the handle, always stopping by the red ruby. He tried to remember dad's workplace, the street leading up to his house and the tree he would always sit under with his ma. He tried to remember her, them - their features, their gestures, their smiles.

He was starting to forget them.

Did she have green eyes? Brown?

Was the scar, Elias would always trace, on dad's left side or right?

He couldn't remember.

That terrified him.

Suddenly, in the midst of quiet, Elias heard a creak. Elias figured it was probably Kian on the patrol, so he first didn't pay it any mind. But it could be Pit. Elias quickly turned around. What took place next, happened in a second.

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