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Autumns POV :

I woke up feeling really nauseous and ill.
It felt like someone had ripped my organs out and twisted them before putting them back in place.

Winter was still fast asleep next to me.
His arms were still wrapped around my waist making it hard to move.
However,I didn't want to wake him.
After all,he did just spend all his day yesterday unpacking and....claiming me.
So I don't blame him for falling into a deep sleep.

I tried to lye back down to see if my sickness would go away but it just made things worse.
I quickly sat up and shook winter awake.
It was the last thing I wanted to do but I had no other choice.

He started moving around and turned over to look at me.

"Are you okay my love?"
"I feel like I'm gonna throw u-"
I tried to finish my sentence but I was cut away with the rage of sickness rising up my throat.
I don't know what's wrong with me or what has caused this.
I pretty much sprinted to the restroom with winter following behind me hurridly.

I started to throw up in the toilet nonstop.
Winter was holding my hair back as I vomited like there was no tomorrow.
I have no clue how I just magically became so sick.

When I finished ,I stood up as winter let go of my hair.
I love that he is always by my side even when I feel like crap.
He is the love of my life and I wouldn't change that for the world.

"Thank you my sweet"
"Are you ok,I can always call you in sick? I'm sure Marjorie will understand"
"No it's alright,probably just overwhelmed from last night"
"I'm glad you enjoyed it my darling,anyway let's get ready for work and then we'll leave"
I nodded as I watched him rummage through all of his clothes picking out a pair of jeans and a grey hoodie.
To my surprise,I suddenly saw him going towards my side of the room.
I quickly rushed over there as I heard him flipping through the pages of my diary...until he landed on one specific page.
I watched in defeat as his eyes widened to look at me.

"Darling,you've been having morning sickness for the last 3 months and didn't think to tell me?!"
He said angrily.
I could also sense some worry in his face as he walked over to me.

"Winter I'm sor-"
"Do you have any idea what this could mean autumn?"
"What on earth are you talking about"
"Good god,I can feel my brain cells perishing as we speak,IT MEANS YOU COULD BE PREGNANT AUTUMN!"

I stared at him in horror as he spoke up.
I felt my heart start racing unnaturally fast as he brought me over to the bed for a chat.
All I could do was stare at the floor rethinking all the signs I have experienced
over the last few months.

"My love,can we please take one test just to make sure you aren't?"
"No,I'm not doing it because there's no way I'm ever going to have children,I despise them"
"But aut-"
"Let's just leave,no more questions asked"

I stormed off and slammed the door shut.
'What is going on with me?'
I thought to myself as I waited in the car for winter.

He eventually came out around 10 minutes later.
He looked like he was in a really bad mood.

"What's wrong with you-"
"Just drive"

I gave him a dirty look before driving off.
The ride there was silent.
The tension was so large you could cut it with a knife.
I took one look at him and I knew that he would not be pleasing me for a while.

We eventually reached the nursery after a few minutes.
To my surprise,winter gave me a quick peck on the cheek before heading into the nursery alone.

All I could do was sit there in absolute shock.
He never just leaves me in the car.
He always makes sure I go in with him and that I'm safe.
Something must be terribly wrong with him to just leave me on my own in a public space.

A few minutes later I notice that Marjorie sat herself next to me in the car.

"Marjorie ,what are you doing here?"
"We're going to the shop"
"You know why"
"No I don't Marjorie"
"To get a test you idiot,now drive"
"I already told winter no"
"I'll get mia on you"
"Oh god no,I'm driving"


I'm actually so happy I knew it from the start
(I thought it was mia)
Anyway,I'll try and publish like 2 more chapters today because I'm intrigued in my own story...
I'm gonna shut up now
Bye bye

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