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A few months had passed and autumn had her child.
They decided to name her Amelia.
They found the name be very pretty and represented Their step sister Mia.
Autumn never thought she would find herself having a baby named after Mia.
Even though Mia was rude, she was like on older sister to aut.
Everything Rodger and autumns mum would start arguing,Reece would always call Mia to come round and comfort autumn so Reece could defend his mum.
She would always come round with loads of snacks and have a movie night with autumn to make her forget all about her parents.
Autumn knows things will never be the same again and it breaks her heart.

Today was Amelia's first day at nursery.
No one knew her name or even met her until now.
Autumn was not excited to introduce her to everyone.
Especially Marjorie.
She knew Marjorie would get all giddy and it was too early for that.
Winter was away on a work trip to the other nursery in America for a while,so it was just autumn and Amelia in the house.

Autumn was strapping Amelia into her car seat when she started crying.
"What's wrong darling?"
She started screaming and pointing to her teddy bear.
Autumn quickly grabbed the teddy and handed it to her.
She soon stopped crying and they left the house.

They arrived at the nursery around 10 minutes later and autumn was debating whether to go inside or go home.
She decided to ring Charlotte.

"Hey autumn ,what's up?"
"Can you come to the car park"
"Of course , I'll be there in a sec"
"Thanks char"

A few seconds later I see a very excited Charlotte running towards me.
She gives me a massive hug which I hesitantly accept.
"It's so nice to have you back autumn"
"It's nice to be back"
"Omg , have you bought your daughter"
"Yes Charlotte she's in the back"
I watch as she runs over to Amelia.
She takes her out of her seat and walks back over to me.
"Omg she's so cuteeee ,what's her name?"
I see a tear forming in charlottes eye before she wipes it away.
"Mia's gonna cry autumn "
"I know,I decided to name Amelia after her because she helped me through my childhood"
"Aww that's so sweet,I'll give you Amelia back , should I get everyone in the office"
"Yes thank you "

Me and Amelia are sat in the car until I get a text from Charlotte.


C-everyone's in the office x
A-on way

I take Amelia in my harms and make my way to the office.
When we get there I see Reece who is holding a crying Marjorie, an excited Carly,a confused Jodie,a happy sorcha,and Mia who is trying to hold all her emotions in.

Marjorie starts crying even more she spots Amelia in my arms.
"Marjorie,why on earth are you crying"
"She's so cute ,it-its ju-just making me emotional"
I roll my eyes before sitting down next to Reece.
"Reece , I would like you to her first"
I say as I hand her to him.
"She's perfect aut"


Everyone had held Amelia except for Mia.
I wanted to leave the best for last.
"I would like to announce her name before Mia holds her,her name is Amelia"
Everyone turns there head to a crying Mia.
"I decided to name her Amelia for everything that Mia has done for me over the years,she helped me through that horrible childhood and protected me from my monster of a father,everyday she would come round and have a movie night with me to distract me from the fact my parents were arguing only a few feet away from us.thats why I am so grateful to have Mia in my life,I know our bond has been slipping lately and I know she's done a lot of horrible things,but I think it's time to look past those bad things and notice the good things,so Mia ,will you be Amelia's godmother?"

Marjorie started crying even more.
Charlotte squeezed Mia's hand as she wiped her tears away.

"Of course I will be her godmother"

I smiled as I handed Amelia to her.
Mia took one look at her and broke down in charlottes arms.

"Autumn ,she's gorgeous"
She said through shaky breaths.
I swear I saw Reece wipe a few tears from his eyes.

Mia handed me Amelia back for walking to the door.
"I'll be back soon,I just need a few minutes"

I hugged her before sitting back down.

Let's just say , she didn't disappoint.

My love - wintumnWhere stories live. Discover now