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Mia hasn't spoke to anyone or came out of her room for weeks.
After what happened,she's been isolating herself.
I feel so bad for her but I can't help her if she's not talking to anyone.
I've been thinking of a lot of things lately,including walking out of this relationship.
Everything I do for Mia always gets rejected and I don't even know what to with her anymore.
She won't communicate with me so I can't talk to her or try to help her out.
I'm so exhausted but I don't have the heart to walk away.
After all,I have no one to go to.
It feels like she's pushing me further and further away.
I just want to escape this torture.

I eventually decide I should go check up on her.
I grab my car Keyes and start driving to Mia's.
I'm a bit worried to see her but I have to at some point.
I get out of my car and knock on the door.

I feel my heart drop from my chest as a familiar redhead opens the door.
Her eyes are swollen red from crying,she's still in the same clothes from last week and she looks way skinnier.

"Mia,what did you do?"
She looks at me and starts crying even more than she already was.
"Mia,when was the last time you ate?!"
"2 weeks ago..."
"2 WEEKS?!"
"I'm s-sorry c-char"
I watch as she runs up the stairs crying.
She goes into her room and locks the door.
"Mia please open the door!"
I keep trying to open the door but it's no use.
I feel like giving up until i remember something.
I grab my phone out of my pocket and ring reece.
He almost immediately picks up the phone.

"Hi Charlotte , is everything ok?"
"No it's Mia"
"Why are you telling me about this?"
"Did Mia ever have panick attacks?"
"Oh god,is she doing that thing were she locks herself away for months"
"Yes and I don't know how to help her"
"I'll be over in 5"
"Thank you Reece"


I'm sat with my back against the door to Mia's bedroom.
I know she's not going to come out anytime soon.

I suddenly hear Reece's footsteps coming up the stairs quietly.
He pulls me back down the stairs quickly.
I look at him confused.

"Why are we down here Reece?"
"Charlotte what the fuck has happened with Mia"
"What do you mean?"
"Reece calm down!"
"I'm not gonna calm down until you tell me what has happened!!"

I watch as his expression changes from angry to sad.

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