~// Chapter - 5 \\~

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Hey lovelies,
                Let's start the chapter!!

After their board exams:-

Author's POV:

           In their board exams both Sufiya and Zuhair studied very well and concentrated on exams. They had one thing fixed in their mind:- We need to make our parents and him/her proud of me. I should not let their expectations to be hurted.

          They both used to miss eachother alot. Every night Sufiya used to sit in the balcony and talk to the sky thinking sky is Her Love. Same goes to Zuhair. They were not together but their hearts were beating for each other every minute, second and even milli-second.

        Now they both were preparing for their result...They weren't scared of the result of themselves but of eachother. They were happy but deep down their heart used to ache. They were scared what if something happens to him/her. Little did they knew they are okay.

Results day :-

Sufiya's POV:-

        Finally the day came for which I was preparing for 2 years. I'm not scared of my result but his. He worked hard alot...God please please make him pass with the bestt marks.

       Ughh, the website of the result is not opening here. Whyy?
Ofcourse it will glitch when whole state will be in the website. Don't they have sense that they should have several websites. If one website is full we can try the other one.

      Finally, finally the website opened after 1 hour. It was loading my result..then I saw my families expressions they were scared. Their faces were showing they had expectations from me..
God please, please.

     It loaded totally..And my result was...Noo, it can't happen. Tears rolled down my eyes and my throat was so dry. No voice was coming out of it. I can't believe I got 10/10..LIKE FREAKING TOP MARKSS..HOW? HOW? GOD, IM D
SO DAMNN HAPPY..Then It clicked how much did HE got..

      After a small celebration in my house, everyone went back to their works. Then I took the laptop in my room and I enrolled his hall ticket number..I know his number..hehhe..Jokes apart..it was loading...After some seconds, it showed the result...WHATT?? I KNEWW..I KNEW..BE CAN DO IT..IM SOO PROUD OF YOU ZUHAIR..YOU MADE YOUR PARENTS PROUD...I love you.. congratulations lovee..

      And..and guess what we got the same marks. 10/10. yeaahh that means we got  90% in all subjects. Damn how did I even passed maths!?! No worries I did pass above 90%...godd Zuhair I'm missing you alott..

Zuhair's POV: (!!Before result were announced!!)

       Finally its the result day..!! Hope I'll pass and overcome the expectations of my family. God please, please make me pass with good marks. I've worked so hard for this, it will decide my future. I want atleast 85% and above in all subjects to get admission in the college my father wants me to join.

         It was his dream to complete but he couldn't complete it. Then my brother's tried but they also couldn't... because of Freaking 1-2 percentage differences. He never told me and brothers about it. But we got to know about his dream from grandma.

      As his dream is my dream now I'll complete it...I know how much happy and proud he'll be of me. He has done much hardwork so that we could live the life full of luxury. Now I want to make luxury for my parents and siblings. Hope I'll succeed in that.

     My thoughts were broken when I saw in the laptop my result was loading...It was time that will decide my future. I took god's name and saw the result. Like I'm soo damn shocked..how did I even got this percentage.. God...God I can't believe...

      Was it me only who wrote the exams or my result is exchanged by My Love..Haye.. How did I gott 10/10..DAMN!! DAMN!! I topped can you believe I, the boy who always studies a night before exams and manages to atleast pass..Has topped the boards..I got above 90% in all subjects...I can't believe it till now.. Seriously..!!

   Then I saw my family they were soo happy and proud of me. My mumma had tears My father was shocked and My two brothers were jumping like monkeys..But all I could see was that I made my parents and her proud finally. I'm missing you sufi, If you were here I would be x2 happy than I'm now. How much did you got!?

    After some celebration for me, all of them went to their works. I took the laptop and checked her result. Andd she too got 10/10. I'm proud of youu sufi. I know you too checked my result and told I'm proud of you. I just wanted to hear that but I can't..I'm missing you alot today..Love you always and forever.

     Now I'll take admission in the dream college of Dad. I want to see his reaction. How much he will be proud of him. I can't wait for that moment. Thank you God that I'm able to make the dream of dad true. I'm so happy today. I've never felt like this before the feeling can't be expressed.

Sufiya's POV:

     Between all these I literally forgot to ask my friends. I didn't touch my phone from many hours, I took it and saw 100+ notifications . Heh?? This many notifications?? Let me see what are these about...it was from our friends group. I opened the chats and saw they were discussing about the results.

     After reading the chats I got to know Amira got 9.8, Tuba got 9.7, Aayat got 10/10 woahh very good my girls!! Girl power always slayyy!! Did I tell you guys that Amira and Owais are in relationship..me and zuhair only setted them..hehe..!!

     Soo, Owais got 10/10 as expected after all he is a topper. Usama got 9.5 not bad. Ayaan got 9.8 I didn't expected this from him very gud ayyu. All boys also got very good marks..


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Your author,


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