~// Chapter - 6 \\~

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Heyy lovelies,
              Let's start the chapter...

Sufiya's POV:

           It's been many days for the result now...And I'm so excited because it's my cousin's marriage. I'll miss her..she was my favourite girl. And the thing I got to know yesterday was the boy my sister was getting married to was Zuhair's Own elder brother then this means I can see him throughout the wedding. I'm soo duper super Happy. That is why I'm not able to sleep now . Let's go to the balcony and to Zuhair I mean skyy..hehe.

       Heyy, sky and Zuhair, are sleeping then wake up..I need to talk to you. How're you? I know you two are fine. I miss you a lot all the memories in my mind are just roaming. Especially the birthday day One, how did you tried that day to make me feel  special. Thank youu.


Sufiya's birthday:-

Authors POV:

         It was the day of sufiya's birthday. Sufiya was soo excited for the last 5 days, she was just saying my birthday is coming. But Someone else was more excited than sufiya . Guess who!? Yes, the one and only love of her life.. Zuhair..He was giving sufiya 8 gifts. She was asking him everyday to tell what he is giving butt he always changed the topic or said " it's a surprise".

     It was the time when Sufiya would get her gifts. Zuhair told her to meet in the first break in the school. The bell rang indicating it was the time of break. Their hearts were beating at a very high level. Sufiya's place was on the right side of the last row and Zuhair's place was on the left side of the last row. The girls who were sitting in the middle row came to the girls side and boys went to the boys side.

   Now it was the time they both were coming forward from opposite directions taking baby steps. Their friends and classmates were cheering and hooting. Yes, they were the best couple of their batch everyone used to ship them. Now they both were in front of each other. Zuhair kept his hand forward with the 1st gift. It was a mini calculator. Ayaan came and kept the 2nd gift that was a letter. Then ayaan again came and kept the 3rd  and 4th gift that was a cute pen and a very beautiful pencil. Then the 5th gift was a couple of chocolates. Then the 6th gift was a bracelet and the 7th gift was a necklace. The 8th gift was a very beautiful and elegant Watch.

    Then they realised something was falling on them and saw the whole class was throwing papers like party poppers. The moment was soo beautiful.

Flashback ends-

Back to sufiya's POV:

       That moment I can't forget then the sleep took over me I didn't realised when.

Zuhair's POV:

      It's been many days since the result came. I'm missing her every moment. Now I'm going to my father to tell him that I want to take admission in his dream college that is - Narayana Junior College. Let's go now I'm soo excited to see his reaction.

Zu: Assalamualaikum dad.

ZD: Wslkm, Zuhair..

Zu: Dad, I want to talk with you.

ZD: Yes, tell.

Zu: DadIwanttotakeadmissioninnarayanajuniorcollegehyderabad.

ZD: Whatt?? Tell slowly Zuhair.

Zu: Dad, um I-I want to take admission in Narayana Junior College.

ZD(surprised): Whatt? Tell me once again???

Zu: Dad I want to take admission in Narayana Junior College.

ZD: Zuhair are you serious?

Zu: Yes dad 101% serious..

ZD: You know Zuhair I am very proud of you. I've always told you your not serious about your future. But you proved me wrong. I'm sorry I've always scolded you without seeing your hardwork. I'm very sorry, bachcha..

Zu: Noo, dad don't tell sorry it's not your fault. It was me always who used to hate studies. Someone once told me that how much your parents are working hard for you and your always letting them down. It hurts your parents that is why they scold you for your good not for your bad. That day I realised how wrong I was. Even though I need to say sorry to you Dad.

ZD: Can I know who told you that golden words..?

Zu(blushing): Uhh, m-my f-fri-friend..yahh my friend..Now I need to go I've have w-wo-work..

    And I ran away...god?? What did dad think about me when I did like this..shittt!! Ughh, My head is paining don't know whyy.. I guess I need to sleep..And tried to sleep..and it took over me. It's so peaceful. I needed to sleep..now bye. I need to see dreams of my love now..


Sorry for short chapter..
I'm soo busy today.
From the next chapter The wedding functions of her cousin and his brother will start!!
They will be meeting soon or not..!?
Will see in the upcoming chapters..!!

Signing off,
Your author,

Dastaan-e-mohobbat (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now