Sorry 🙃

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Heyy lovelies,
            I don't know who was waiting for me to come back and post a chapter. I guess none. Because I have very few views and mostly 2 votes. It's kinda demotivating me. I know it's been a very few days since I have started writing this story. So I'm thinking to keep this story in hold I don't know how days, months, years. But I'm not discontinuing this story. It's very close to my heart.

      I have another very important reason for this. I have been in the hospital, admitted for 3 days because I attempted sucide for the 3rd time from the last 6 months. I'm in depression since 1 year but writing was giving me peace but now the doctor has strictly told me to avoid phone radiation. And I'm going somewhere leaving my family behind for I don't know how many days, months, or years. I'll not be back till my mental health is stable. I've told them my decision they are okay with it because the doctor had advised this idea. You know sometimes u miss the old me. I miss the time when I was happy, When I used to be fearless, sassy. I miss my old life. Whenever I try to be the old me, the past hits. The memories, the time, all comes back together. It scares me!! It feels like suffocating..I'm gonna die just like that. Sometime because of crying, I've lost my breath. You know when a person makes you feel so special yesterday, today makes you feel like unwanted. Doesn't it hurt? Just imagine I've gone through this for years. How much it would have hurt me.

     To be Frank, some people are meant to come into your life, and just go away. After seeing the dreams of being together for life. When you have always been with them whenever they need you, You have made them laugh when they are crying, you have wiped their tears, you have done crazy things to cheer up their mood, But when it's their time to cheer you up, make you laugh, wipe your tears....They left you just like that. Using you like a tissue paper, reasonless. It hurts!! That thing hurts..When you're suffering here in the absence of them. They are enjoying their life, living the best after Making your life as hell. Isn't it unfair?

     Life has always been unfair for me. Whatever thing or person I loved more than myself, I've lost it. Always. The only question to God is "Why is it always Me?". It's not even a 1% of what I have suffered I just wanted to tell you guys the reason I'm keeping the story on hold. Andd I'll be back after changing into the old me. I'll overcome my past and fear. I won't hide in one room for days. I'll also be a free bird just like them.

I'll be back with a bang. Wait for me guys. I promise I'll complete the story after coming into my old self.  And I totally appreciate those who have loved my story and to the silent readers too. Thank you soo much. Till when I'll be back I'll have some better views and votes too I guess. Till then take care, stay safe, remember me and my story.
Bye. 🩷

Signing off,
Yours Author,

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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