Fire Within

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It's been a week to the day that the Stark children had the Direwolves spared, and they are growing quickly.

Grey Wind, a severely fierce Direwolf of grey fur and yellow eyes, bonded to Robb.

Lady, also has grey fur and yellow eyes. She is the smallest and quietest of the bunch. She bonds with Sansa, and adopts her mistress's dainty manners and trusting nature.

Nymeria, named after the warrior-queen of the Rhoynar who led her people to safety in Dorne, is an exuberant and playful wolf, but is also fiercely defensive of Arya. She has dark gold eyes, with dark grey fur.

Summer, bonded with Bran, has silver and smoke grey fur and golden eyes. Though smaller than Grey Wind, and more wary, Summer was the smartest of the litter.

Shaggydog, was a very dark grey with bright green eyes, who always trots behind his small master, Rickon. Shaggydog was quiet, unless he was protecting his owner, which he was then full of rage.

Ghost, is an albino with thick white fur, red eyes, and a bushy tail. He receives his name from Jon because of his fur colour and the fact that he never makes a sound. The Direwolf does not whine or howl, but sometimes bares his teeth in a silent snarl. Ghost was the second largest of the group.

Elia, had grown to be the largest. She was black as the night sky and swiftest. Her golden eyes were brighter than the shining stars and wiser than men. She always followed her owner around, never far from sight.

Lady Stark hurries past Rhaenyra who was teaching her wolf to obey commands in High Valyrian, a piece of parchment tightly within her left hand.

Rhaenyra watches as her mother storms past, her eyes holding worry that deeply troubles Rhaenyra.

Lady Stark slows her pace down when she starts to enter The Godswoods by a footpath of cracked stones. The Godswoods multitude of trees create a dense canopy over old, packed earth and humus and moss. At the center of the grove stands an ancient Weirwood with a melancholy face carved into it, a heart tree standing over a pool of cold black water.

Across the Godswood from the heart tree, beneath the windows of the Guest House, an underground hot spring feeds three small pools, with a moss-covered wall looming above them.

The Godswood is enclosed by walls, and is accessed by a main iron gate, wooden doors, and an arched stone door.

"All these years" Lady Stark announces her presence. "And I still feel like an outsider when I come here"

Lord Stark turns slightly on the rock that he sits on, as he cleans Ice. "You have five Northern children, your not an outsider"

"I wonder if the Old Gods agree"

"It's your Gods with all the rules"

Lady Stark looks to the ground as she giggles, her eyes landing on the parchment that she still holds and all laughter ceases.

"I am so sorry, my love" She raises her eyes to her husband.

Concern fills Lord Stark. "Tell me"

"There was a raven from Kings Landing. Jon Arryn is dead, a fever took him. I know he was like a father to you"

"Your sister?" Lord Stark forgets about his own pain. "The boy?"

Lady Stark smiles at him. Always putting others above himself.

"They both have their health, Gods be good. "

She sits down beside him, carefully watching his face as she prepares herself for the next part.

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