You Are All That I Care About

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Meanwhile, Sal, under Kiana's scrutinising gaze, gave her a pleading look.

"Do you even know why I am angry?" She muttered under her breath.

"Yes," He sighed. "But even then, I feel the same."

"Because you feel responsible for everything?" She asked, frustrated.

"No," He took a deep breath. "It is not about responsibility, Kiana, it's accountability. I was a part of some things and need to be held accountable for it."

"Haven't you been doing that since you joined St Freiya?" Kiana asked innocently. Her Sapphire blue eyes filled with childlike curiosity.

"Have I?" Sal replied.

"You have," Kiana answered for him. "I mean, you have been doing all these good stuff to compensate for the bad stuff you were part of."

Sal gazed at her, confused. She was making sense, but she wasn't making sense simultaneously. "What?"

"See, once you make a terrible mistake," Kiana smiled as she pointed her fingers in a gun-like gesture. "All you can do is accept it and make sure you don't repeat it again."

"I don't think that's how the judiciary system works, Kia-"

"I don't care about that," She cut her off. "Right now, all I care about is you. So tell me honestly, have you not been trying to do better since you met me?"

"I-" Sal stopped; his instincts had almost made him say yes. But he can't. He shouldn't.

"Sal?" Kiana called, her voice soft. It radiated warmth. In her eyes, he saw his reflection. His sea-green eyes were filled with pain, and underneath them were bags—thanks to his nightmares.

When was the last time that I felt peace? Sal thought. Was it when we were in Davao? Or was it at St Freiya? Wait, did I ever feel peace?

Sal sighed as he closed his eyes. He knew the answer to all his questions. But he was too stubborn to accept them. After all, he decided to take his feelings for her to the grave. But even then, she was relentless. Foiling his every plan, whenever he tried to push her away, she ended up getting closer.

And the worst part was that he enjoyed it. He never intended to tell her that he didn't want her to slip away from her. And yet when he did, and she replied she would never, he was happy. For Sal Apocalypse, the most peaceful he has ever been or will ever be is when he is beside Kiana Kaslana. It was a fact, a painful one at that.

"Fine, you win," Sal replied. He knew he wasn't going to win this one. "Yes, I have been trying to do better. But that doesn't change the past. And that is why I must stand before the court tomorrow."

"That's fine." Kiana gave him a smile. "As long as you believe you don't get all depressed, we will pull through. And if things don't work out, we can always make a run for it and become fugitive. Plus, we have experience in that."

"You don't boast about that." Sal faceplamed, but he had a smile on his face.

"For the sake of God," Sussanah stood up and banged the table. "Can you guys stop planning to run and become fugitives!"

"What is this talk about becoming Fugitives?" Fu Hua, who had just entered the Pizzeria, asked. Behind her was a lady clad in a black suit and a suitcase in her right hand. Her light-brown hair was neatly trimmed into a pony as she glanced at Sal.

"Are you my client?" She asked, ignoring the mess she had stepped into.


"Great," She quickly walked towards the table, pulled a chair, and sat beside Kiana, opposite Sal. "Nice to meet you, Sal Apocalypse. I am Wraith, a former Schicksal Valkyrie and your lawyer. We don't have much time, so lets get down to working because as things stand there is a ninety percent chance after tomorrow you will be sent to the gallows."

A/N All right, four chapters done in a day. Well, we are slowly inching towards the courtroom drama segment. But before that, a lot of the past needs to be uncovered. I hope these last few chapters are doing justice to that. Once again I have pulled an all-nighter, which I shouldn't have;-; But ah well at least got you guys a new chapter. Anyway, I am at my last brain cell, so all I can say I Happy Reading!.

Chrysalis To A Butterfly [Kiana Kaslana X Male OC]Where stories live. Discover now