05 ― prove him wrong.

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❝ we're here to learn karate

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we're here to learn karate.


She was making every excuse that she possibly could to not join Cobra Kai. At first, she got out of it because she was sick and had spent an entire week and a half of November coughing in her bed and dealing with the worst fever imaginable. Marisol had told Sebastian that he wasn't allowed to go without Nathalie and had to wait until she was better. And then Flora got sick not too long after Nathalie did.

Then Sebastian got sick, battling with the illness for all of Thanksgiving break and because the two boys were attached at the hip, Oliver got sick. It was a never ending cycle.

By the time December rolled around, Sebastian and Oliver had about considered giving up. Nathalie kept purposely getting herself into detention just so had to stay after school and couldn't accompany her brother to Cobra Kai.

During the week of Christmas break, Nathalie had begun to start running out of excuses. There were only so many times that she could pretend to be sick, and the rest of her family was starting to catch up to her scheme.

"You can't keep avoiding it," Sebastian told her as they sat down at the table.

"Who said I was avoiding it?" Nathalie asked.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding? All you've been doing for weeks now is avoiding it."

"He's right, Nattie," Flora agreed. "When we were all sick was one thing, but then all the times you had detention or pretended that you had to something to do?"

Nathalie groaned. "Okay. Fine. I'm avoiding it. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Yes, actually," Sebastian nodded his head. "And whether you like it or not, you're coming with us this afternoon. Oli and I looked into it. There's a session today."

Nathalie sighed and lowered her head on the table. She groaned dramatically.

Flora placed her hand on Nathalie's back and started patting. "Oh, you poor baby. I promise you'll be just fine."

Sebastian and Oliver laughed, causing Nathalie to look up quickly. She gave them a death stare. Immediately, their laughter stopped. Nathalie continued to stare at them, causing them both to slowly stand up from the table and then run into Sebastian's room.

Flora giggled. "That glare gets them every time."

"And it's hilarious every single time," Nathalie smiled, and then started to laugh alongside Flora.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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