Chapter Ten: De-briefing

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On our way back to the base none of us spoke, we were all too ashamed. I looked over at Saisho-No. He was an unhinged mad man, the blood dripping off him, he may as well have bathed in the shit, and it was driving my Vampiric hunger through the roof, so bad that the moment we got back to our bags at the gate I pulled out one of my blood vials and drank it dry by the time we got back in the cab of the A.T-P.V. He was dangerous and not fit for combat. Josi wasn't going to like what I was going to do at the de-brief with my mother but it had to be done. The rest of us had killed either because we had to, or in my case I couldn't help it. The psychopath I now found myself sitting in the cabin of the A.T.-P.V. with had done it because he had wanted to. Now he sat next to me licking the blood off his blade as if he was a damned Vampire.


When we arrived back at base me and Akio walked towards my mother's office, to do the debrief, while Yuguchi headed to the Infirmary with her sister. We knocked on the door and walked in. From the look on our faces she knew it hadn't gone well. She held up her hand and activated the rooms Communicatio lapidea.

Instantly, as they'd been waiting for this, the holographic figures of the other seven Grand-Masters appeared in the room with us, three males for three territories, one of whom was in charge of the Vatican Territory, and the other three including my mother were female. It was just by luck however, as the rank of Grand-master was achieved by being chosen by the remaining Grand-Masters. Then of course there was Grand-Master Le Fay.

"Hello my brothers and sisters. My team has returned they are here for the debrief."

"Speak master Talidus." Grand-Master Dionysus of the Alpha territory spoke first. 

This territory was literally just Vatican-City, although no Grand-Master out ranked another, he saw himself as our leader due to his base being in Vatican-city. Akio stepped forward and began to speak. 

"Our suspicions were right. The Divine Spark Project was using Children as Test subjects. An Inquisitory Agent has been dispatched to investigate what remains of the facility fully. To discover the full breathe of the heresy." She paused, she didn't really like using the term, but when dealing with the Custodes Veritas it was best to use their terminology. "However, what my team can tell you is this. Director Steinovitch hired mercenaries and had them try to kill the test subjects. As far as we are aware only one survived."

"I see, well I do not need to ask for a vote but I shall all the same. Those opposed to excommunicating Richard Steinovitch and any of those on his project who were not killed by the Combat-Operatives, and declaring them Haereticus Indonatus, speak now or for ever hold your peace." No one spoke against it as Dionysus called for the vote. 

"What of their souls? The dear ones deserve to live at God's side." That came from  Grand-Master  Sokolov of the Gamma territory, which included her home country of Russia, she was born and raised there and had been one of our Medical-Operatives before her elevation to Grand-Master. 

"We have our Shinigami collecting their souls with that exact purpose, as for their bodies it would be prudent for us to find where each of them was born and have them buried in their home soil." Akio answered.

Although I could tell that the idea of Shinigami being involved in the whole affair made them uncomfortable just from their faces, none of them objected knowing that no other Reapers, save Azerol himself would be able to go there. Plus it was just something they had to deal with given the worked with Custodians.

"Exorcist third class Talidus, I sense you have something you wish to say." Spoke Grand-Master Le fay. 

He was a tall man, six foot and had the typical appearance of a priest, white hair and glasses. With wrinkled skin and deep blue eyes. He looked at Akio with a death glare, almost as if her very existence was an insult to his ancestors, but I paid it no mind as I answered.

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