~ { Interlude: }~

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Irina sat in her hospital bed, she had heard about the chaos and everything it meant. She hated the fact she couldn't help at the time. She had trained as a Security-Operative for the Divine Spark Project. She had wanted to be helpful, but when she had found out what Stanovich was doing, she had objected and objected loudly. The result was that she had been forced to be one of it's subjects and those memories would haunt her for the rest of her  life. Sitting up in her bed, she looked over the dull hospital room, looking forward to being released from this place and at least to her sisters room. The after affects of the poison and the Project meant she'd be here for quite a while mind you. Irina pulled apart her hospital gown and ran her fingers along the scar she'd gotten from that sword, she wasn't even pretending to understand what had happened on that front, but it had saved her life and all that mattered to her. 

 She pushed her way shakily to her feet and walked over too the window, well it wasn't really a window given that they were underground,  it was a T.V. screen displaying various different images to emulate a window, what the point was Irina couldn't say but she didn't care. She stood by the screen watching the screen.

"Why did you not answer my pleas for help?" She snapped angrily looking up. 

All her life she had been a devote worshiper, following God in all his ways. But when she called for his aid, he was no where to be seen. She slammed her fist into the screen in anger, frustration and pain. The only good thing it had lead to was her finding her blood sister. Yuguchi, thank god she had found her. She could feel it, there was static in the air, and soon the sound of trumpets begun. Arch-Commander Michael soon immerged from the teleportation portal, sanding in her room looking at her with great sorrow in his eyes. Had he known the true horrors of that place he would have acted sooner, but even he was some how kept in the dark about it's true nature. 

"What do you want Angel?" Irina snapped venomously. 

"I am sorry child," Michael spoke taking a seat in the room. "If I had we in heaven known what was happening we would have acted sooner, but there are places in this world even we cannot peer into."

"Then why have you come Arch-Commander?" She growled making little effort to hide her resentment.

"I cannot do much for those who have been lost." He paused as if to take a breathe. "However, I can at least make reoperations to you."

"And what exactly could be worth the lives lost, and the suffering I've been through?" She asked genuinely curious.

"You are a devote child of my father are you not?" Michael asked, a warm undertone to the voice.

"I was." She spoke her eyes drifting off into the distance. "But I'm not so sure now. It wasn't until I sent the email that.... and that email got everyone killed!" 

"You must understand, it wasn't your fault my kin." Michael spoke, getting up and walking over to his great-Grandchild.  "How would you like to become an Angel?"

"Me... me an angel?" Irina asked, stammering a little. "I.... I would be an angel... able to stop others from suffering the same fate?"

"Of course my kin, however there would be minor conditions. The first of which would you'd not be here on Earth anymore."

"Because of the cease fire agreements I take it?" She sighed a little.

"Indeed, because of those agreements the only Angels allowed to stay on the Earth at all times are a Guardian-Angel with a charge."

"Who would be my progenitor?" Irina asked locking eyes with him and crossing her arms.

"Given that my Grandchild adopted you, I would make the most sense." He replied nodding a little.

"Then, after I'm turned give me the rank of a Guardian-Angel and assign me to that Living Saint who works at this base. Anything to be close to my sister, while still having the strength to defend the innocent."

"Very well then my Kin. I shall make the preparations."

Thriving In The Chaos-The Tooth And Claw Books #2Where stories live. Discover now