𝐢. 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐲

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It was late in the night when Eunhyeok went back to the control room after doing his rounds. The survivors are asleep in the daycare, happy after they ate vegetables for dinner. They didn't question the origins and just ate them.

But for Eunhyeok, his mind was stuck on the walkie talkie that Hyunsu had given him. He waited for everybody to fall asleep when he sat down in the control room, looking up at the CCTV cameras then to his notes. He picked up the walkie talkie that was still in his mind throughout the day. It was already set to a specific channel, and he decided to do it.

"Ah, a," He tested. "This is Lee Eunhyeok from the survivors... Can I know who I am speaking to? Over."

He waited for an answer, yet nothing came. He was about to give up and call it a night when he heard the other line answer,

"Ugh..." A girl groaned to the walkie talkie, "Why must you wake me up this late at night..."

Eunhyeok was surprised to hear a girl on the other side.

"What do you want?"

"Can I know who I'm talking to? Over." He asked curiously. She didn't answer again. Eunhyeok devised a strategy.

"You're a survivor, aren't you? Considering how you are replying to me, you're surviving at your home. You probably have your own food resources too. The one that Cha Hyunsu bought... Was it you?" Eunhyeok analysed.

She didn't answer again.

"In case you didn't hear me the first time, I'm Lee Eunhyeok. I am currently the leader of the survivors that currently reside in the first floor." He repeated.

"I heard you the first time..." She answered with slight amusement, making Eunhyeok wonder what seemed to be funny. "Lee Eunhyeok, huh? You're pretty smart. How did you know about the food resources?"

"Considering how Cha Hyunsu bought fresh vegetables... There's no way that he found it by chance."

"Nice thinking. You're pretty smart."

"Are you going to come to the first floor?" He asked hopefully. She could be a great asset to the survivors.

"No thanks, but I prefer to live alone." She answered curtly, rejecting his offer. She's really a tough nut to crack.

"So be it. But if you ever want to... The doors are always open." Eunhyeok offered. "And thank you for the vegetables and supplies. Everybody was really happy to eat decently after a while..."

She didn't answer after all that. Eunhyeok put the walkie talkie down and went back to his work before retiring for the night, keeping in mind to tell Hyunsu to persuade the girl to come down tomorrow.


The next day, Cha Hyunsu went up the floors on an expedition for some supplies again. He went to Han Dusik's room to get some parts that he needed, and as he went down to floor 13th, Geum Bora came into his mind. He came to her door and was about to knock when it opened by itself.

"Hi, Cha Hyunsu. You survived another day," Bora mused. "Were you scavenging for supplies?" She asked as she saw the bags he was carrying.

"Yes..." He looked at her, slightly looking more dishveled from yesterday. "Do you still don't want to come down with us?"

She looked at him with a frown, "No."

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