𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐫

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The residents woke up in panic as they saw that Hyunsu and Bora was missing. They immediately came to the control room to Eunhyeok to report the incident, but he seemed really calm.

"I know. I sent them up." Eunhyeok answered simply, remembering that this morning he had gave Bora the keys to her room back earlier today, and together they went to Hyunsu's cell.

Bora had confidently went up without a weapon, claiming she was invisible. Eunhyeok had called bullshit on that, but not to her face. At least, she's with Hyunsu.

Eunhyeok had calmed the residents down and went back to work. He had rationed food and re-checked their supplies, listened, and helped the residents' needs. By the time he was done, it was starting to get dark, and both Hyunsu and Bora wasn't back yet.

Eunhyeok had went back to the control room where he had put the walkie talkie she gave him, took it, and decided to contact her.

"Ah, ah," He tried checking the output, "Geum Bora, are you there? It's getting dark, why aren't you guys coming back?"

"Shut up, I can't really talk right now-- Shit!" Came her immediate, hasty reply. It cut off and there was no response from Bora again.

Eunhyeok's eyes had widened and he immediately went to the stairs door. It was barricaded for safety still, and the plan was for Bora to contact him when they're ready to come down. As he reached it, he had waited for her to come back with Hyunsu, but as time passed, of course he started to worry. He even thought of sending Pyeon Sangwook up for them, but after a while, he had heard heavy footsteps going down the stairs.

"Open the door," Came her tired voice from the walkie talkie, and Eunhyeok proceeded to clear the barricades quickly. When he was done, he opened the door to see a shocking sight.

There were lots of items in front of the door. From food to emergency supplies, boxes and boxes of clothes and miscellaneous items that was needed for survival.

And Geum Bora, who had a pissed off, tired look on her face, with Cha Hyunsu behind her, looking equally as tired as her. The two were a little bloody, and Bora had a bloodied cut on her lip too.

"Don't touch that box." Bora pointed to the large purple box on the side that had stickers on it.

She sighed and wobbled passed Eunhyeok with Hyunsu following behind her, carrying a very heavy looking box on the way to Han Dusik's workshop. Eunhyeok was still there in disbelief, and his shock was only broken off when residents were coming to the area in curiosity from the noise.

They all had screamed in shock from the sight of supplies, and had hurriedly coordinated themselves to tidy and organize the things in front of them. As a resident was about to take the purple box, Eunhyeok had cut them off by saying that it was Bora's stuff and took them to the control room.

He was curiously looking at the box, wondering what was inside. As his curiosity deepened, the lights suddenly came on, which made everybody scream in surprise, and he could even hear them that are in the other rooms.

Eunhyeok went to the CCTV screens to see that the cause of the electricity was Geum Bora and Han Dusik from Dusik's makeshift studio. He saw that she had smiled at the older man, and went on her way. Not long, she went back to the control room, and Eunhyeok couldn't help but stare again at her rugged state.

She had wobbled and sat down on the chair in front of the CCTV.

"What happened?" He asked curiously as he saw her pinching the bridge of her nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 [sweet home | lee eunhyeok × oc]Where stories live. Discover now