Vol. 1: Kamen Rider Kamushi Begins/Ch. 2: Mysterious Belt

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(Kim and her gang are having a good time as Ron is eating his favorite food and Yoseph is reading book about aliens. Unbeknownst to them, Adrien Rolando is watching them while wearing a cloak and his cover hat to resume his task.)

Ron: Wanna try this, Yoseph.

Yoseph: I'll try some.

(Yoseph tries Ron's favorite food, and then he decides to go for a walk as Adrien quietly follows him. Yoseph then hears some whispers.)

????: Yoseph! Yoseph!

Yoseph: Huh? Who... who called me?

????: YOSEPH!

Yoseph: (stern) Hey, who's there? Show up! Will you face me? (karate chops) Here, I'll give you a left. Come here, I'll give you a chop. Come here-

(Suddenly he sees something on the floor. It's none other than the Arcle Belt.)

(He picks it up as Adrien is spying on him

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(He picks it up as Adrien is spying on him.)

Adrien: Darn! Too late.

(As Yoseph places the belt on his waist, and suddenly his eyes glow yellow as he has some visions.)

Ron: Being a superhero isn't a good idea.

Yori: Yeah, that's a bad idea.

Felix: But he's gonna be famous around the world.

Kim: Anyone will love you, and you will not be known as the Lost Boy anymore. You'll be famous around the world. Don't be a vigilante, be a superhero.

Monique: You'll always be a superhero at Middletown.

(Another vision shows a city in flames as someone who looks like Superman, an alien robot dragon, an armored individual, a caped crusader, some Power Rangers and a Kamen Rider are seen fighting a blue beetle-like Kamen Rider glaring at him.)

???? 1: (stern) You'll never be a Kamen Rider. You're just a bastard hungry for fame.


???? 3: (stern) See what you did? You ruined your own life by becoming a faker like Iron Man.

???? 4: (stern) Your friends are nothing but trouble, kiddo.

???? 5: (stern) Your world will be destroyed as long as you become allies with Iron Man.

???? 6: (death glare) We're the true heroes of the Omniverse.

???? 7: (female chuckle) While you're just a plain vain, greedy, cruel boy.

???? 8: (stern) If you stand with them, you will be defeated by us.

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