Vol. 1: Kamen Rider Kamushi Begins/Ch. 3: Encounter of Cybertron Rangers

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(Inside of a mansion, Kim and her gang are having a tour as Monique, Kim and Felix are at the center room while Yoseph looks around the book shelves as he sees a book, and then someone gives lemonades to the gang. He drinks his lemonade while reading the book he caught. He suddenly looks at the at images of the ancient beetle-like monster fighting against the robotic dinosaur.)

Yoseph: Hmm... interesting... the era of Ancient times were there was a great war between these creatures known as Titans.

(This catches the gang's attentions.)

Kim: What is a Titan?

(Yoseph points at the image he just saw.)

Yoseph: Something like these ones here. It says that in 1907, the military encounter the first ever creature who walks in the modern world of humanity. But, not everyone ever seen these creatures ever since. Turns out they can be anything, like insects, dragons, dinosaurs and even god-like creatures.

Kim: (smiles) Whoa, I wish there was one.

Monique: There's no such as Titans ever since, but how can they be anything?

Yoseph: It also says that Titans can be named after historical characters or bibical like Moses, Azazel, Jonah, Lucifer, Behemoth, Sobek, Anubis, and others.

Felix: Are there alien Titans?

Yoseph: Not exactly. There's a big difference between aliens and Titans. Titans live in the Earth long before humanity. Aliens are how we call the species that come from other planets.

Kim: So, does this cute little beetle titan has a name?

Yoseph: Looks like it does.

Monique: What's its name?

(Yoseph reads about the Titan, and remembers what his mother taught him about a certain language.)

Yoseph: This book has an ancient language known as Gurongi.

Kim/Felix/Monique: Gurongi?

Yoseph: My mom told me about those ancient creatures, they say the legend about Gurongi Tribe are appear to be known as humanoid-like monsters. Such as Grasshopper, Rhino, Wolf, Bats and others. There was a great battle back then, but suddenly, they've been saved by an ancient warrior known as... (points at an armored beetle knight) Kuuga.

Monique: Who's Kuuga?

Yoseph: Kuuga is the great Stag Beetle Knight who fought against these monsters for humanity....in-secrets for decades, but, the people of Nagoya worship their God of Protector to become their very own titan. He transformed into a gigantic 300-foot titan who will protect Japan. He'll fight in secrets only, he'd just only protecting humanity for centuries as he will wait for the next wielder of his legacy.

Monique: He only fights for humanity-in-secrets? Isn't that vigilantism?

Kim: Yeah, vigilantism is a big stitch.

Felix: It probably wants to be in the shadows.

Monique: But still though, nobody wants to become a vigilante. They need to be heroes.

Kim: Vigilantes... always posing as good guys.

Monique: More like bad guys.

Yoseph: But, this Kuuga titan just wants to be a vigilante.

Monique: Hmm... (sees an ancient female's image) Hey, who is that woman?

Yoseph: Huh?

(She points at the image as Felix, Kim and Yoseph see the image of a woman.)

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