AUTHOR'S NOTE - Please read!

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Hey everyone! thanks for coming here, i swear it isn't a message to say that im busy with school and life so i wont be updating.

This is a message to say that im busy with school and life-

hah sorry.

but like, yeah, this is just sort of like an awareness thing(y). i couldn't post it on my message board because lets be honest - who the fuck checks that anymore, right? Alright, so here it is -

things that'll be uploaded:

part zeroth of Redeeming Josephine and then frequent updates. (this book is fun because you get to hate it with me! 😍😍😍)

For Intrude, well, I've actually written a lot but I wanted to get ahead, but ykw okay, you're getting updates for Intrude as well, but that's going to be a bit slow.

Now comes the sexy question: would you rather want - part one of Mister Daire Downstairs or part one of Night's Bane?

(just comment, no limits on comments, im just going to see the number)

you can see the synopsis of both the books, it's on my profile, and then vote for --



NIGHT'S BANE here >>>

The deadline for the voting is July first, '24. The book which has maximum number of votes will be getting the first part updated.

I should also get this a/n put to the other stories as well, so you know you can literally vote for it anywhere.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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