
299 17 11

Suggestive towards the end.

Third person pov:

The group began traveling down the large mountain, walking through the trees and heading towards somewhere.

Wukong of course had six, his new husband. He was overjoyed to have his lover, so giddy about their little wedding.

Six just seemed exhausted, dealing with this psycho for so long was really starting to wear him down. But again he didn't really have a choice.

"So where are we going?" Wukong asked, walking along with the group as it seemed they were heading to a specific location.

"A village. They have a large market where we can stock up on supplies, and so you can get some of your own things", Sandy replied.

Wukong smiled warmly. Six was on his back, the small harness wukong had made around his chest to hold him in. "Man I haven't been in a village in forever! I wonder what the people will be like" wukong giggled.

Then he seemed to pause, and gently turned his head to look at six ".. I hope there isn't anyone who will cause me and six trouble" he said, seeming a bit worried.

"It should be fine... Tho maybe six should try and not speak. People might take too much interest if they see a talking staff" ao lie said.

Wukong narrowed his eyes "I swear if anyone lays a finger on him I'll crush them into a fucking paste" he snarled, hand gripping the leather strap around his chest.

The others seemed a bit nervous, looking at Wukong's angry expression and then to six, who seemed almost amused by it.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. But if not, I'm not upset about the possibility of "fixing" their attitude" he said with a sinister chuckle.

Wukong smiled, adoring his lovers equal love for violence. But of course the kono cut in.

"There will be no violence of any kind. If someone says anything to upset either of you, simply communicate your issue, then try and walk away from the situation" he said.

Wukong growled "but I can't just walk away! If someone messed with my hubby they need to pay" he snapped back angrily.

It was clear that this wasn't getting them anywhere. Tripitaka sighed "well... Perhaps it would be best if six did not join us then? So no one caused you trouble. Maybe he could wait near camp-" "NO. I'm not leaving him, not sure a second. He stays with me" wukong snapped back angrily.

The others again seemed a bit frightened. Looking between each other with worry.

They looked at the staff again, who still seemed amused and wasn't saying anything to defuse the situation. Of course he wouldn't, he's a demon. He's probably enjoying this.

"*Sigh* wukong I'm sorry but if you don't behave then you can come with us. Both of you will wait by camp unless you promise not to cause any trouble" tripitaka replied.

Wukong grumbled, hands fiddling with the strap for a moment "... Fine. I won't do anything... As long as no one does anything first" wukong replied.

Although that wasn't the best answer, it would have to do. The monk sighed, nodding his head before continuing on.


Soon they did arrive at the village. They all seemed relieved, discussing places to grab a meal and relax. They spent some time setting up camp on the edge of the village, before walking over to the town and heading to the market.

"Alright, we need more food, some extra water bottles and some more blankets since it's going to get colder. Once we've got those then we can look at other things to buy. But remember we don't have too much money" the monk said.

wukong and six ears (Shadowpeach)Where stories live. Discover now