heart to heart

412 22 21

A bit suggestive

Third person pov:

Wukong walked behind the monk, carrying both polishers.

You would expect him to be utterly furious but for some reason, he seemed so happy today? The group didn't know why.

Of course, six knew. He was the only other person who knew... Their night.

God he was still so embarrassed from that. It was... Intense.

Wukong was so happy and giddy, constantly smiling. He was clingy with six, more then usual. Always holding him, snuggling him, giving him a thousand little kisses and constant praise.

He was more inlove then ever, have such a personal passionate moment with him was utter bliss. Emotionally and physically.

And six just seemed far more quiet then usual, constantly seeking slightly shameful or embarrassed.

Sure doing their night he had fun, but by morning he realised just how insane it was what they did and became mortified with his actions.

"Siiix~ you ok my handsome demon boy~" wukong asked, looking over his shoulder were the staffs head hung.

His tail rubbed against the staff teasingly, a small smirk on his face.

"I-im fine... Just tired" he mumbled back.

Wukong giggled "I'm not surprised~" he cooed back, tail wrapping tightly around the base of the staff as he smiled lovingly.

Six grumbled, a tad flustered by his spouses soft hints of their night. He seemed far to proud of it.

"Wukong, are you ready to apologise?" Tripitaka asked, walking along as wukong followed.

Wukong rolled his eyes "yeah yeah, whatever" he said annoyed. He still didn't seem happy about it, no amount of fun with his husband could fix that.

Tho he was still in a slightly better mood.

Wukong began to trail a bit behind, making sure he was a good distance from the group before turning slightly to six "sooo how we gonna do it?" He whispered,

Six glared at him, at first a bit confused. He looked up ahead, staring at the back of tripitakas head and quickly realised what he was referring to.

Soon he began to cheer up, his grin widening as his eyes narrowed with menacing intent.

"Dunno, gotta get him alike first" he whispered back cheerfully.

Wukong giggled, looking to six with such love "I love how clever you are dear~" wukong cooed back, humming happily.

Six continued to smile, he enjoyed being able to share murder plans with wukong. It was one of the things he actually really liked about the ginger, their shared love for violence and chaos.

Slowly the two began whispering about their murder plans.

"Drown him? That could avoid a mess?"

"Nah mess is the best part, once he's dead who gives a shit. No one can stop you anymore"

"Hehehe! Your so right dear~ so we just splatter him?"

"Yeah! Smash him into the ground untill he's nothing but guts and blood, I need a little action"

"Hmm~ we gotta get him away from the others tho. How do we do that?"

"Tell him some dipshit needs his prayers. Once he's out the picture why not go ahead and kill the rest?"

"Oh good idea! Wait, can we leave ao lie? I kinda like him"

"Eh, sure. But I wanna cook up that pig, wonder how good he'd taste"

wukong and six ears (Shadowpeach)Where stories live. Discover now