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No it wasn't. But surely that's what people would often think by her sudden quietness in gatherings and her impulse to speak so passionately about her hobby.

It all started innocently, as she was well educated and raised just as her other sisters until she found great skill in playing those tiles, and now she found herself spending most of her days hypnotized by the sounds created by her hands.

It was common to find her practicing day and even night sometimes. In the past time became a habit to escape the world, to find solitude in a chaotic household. And those soft melodies were a perfect comfort, especially now, as her debut became near.

But everything began to crumble the day Mrs. Jensen declared "I am retiring, Miss Bridgerton"

"What? But you are still young-" Was what Francesca said to the nearly 80-year-old woman who has taught her the art of the pianoforte since she was little.

"You already know how to play so beautifully, dear." The white-haired and gentle woman said, smiling softly to her. "You do not need me anymore, and besides, it is your season, as soon as you find a husband, you won't need to impress anyone anymore."

But the thing Mrs. Jensen would never understand is that Francesca didn't play to impress any suitor or relative. She played for her mere heart's content, for her lungs to breathe at a steady pace, and for her hands not to tremble when nervous. But no one would understand her mind, no one would step into her shoes and realize that the quietness that came along with the piano would always be more than enough for her.

Without Mrs. Jensen didn't mean she would abandon the pianoforte, but it meant less time for practice, no lessons, and that would give time for her mother to prepare Francesca to marry, to enchant society, to speak to people.

And that made her want to die.

"Are you sure, Mrs.Jensen?" She tried to convince the old woman and even offered her tea, which she kindly refused not to spend much time there. "What will you do after you retire? Is it so interesting to make you stop teaching?"

"I will have time for myself, dear, and that is way more interesting than listening to out-of-tune students. "She chuckled. "Not you though, you have always been a formidable student." Francesca smiled grateful, but still not satisfied.

Her lips pursed into a face of discontent, and she still tried to make the poor woman stay when her mother entered the drawer room.

"Oh, Mrs.Jensen." Violet greeted her warmly, but just then noticed the desperation of her daughter's face. "I believe you've told Francesca the news."

"Mama, did you know about this?" Francesca gazed upon her with an accusatory tone.

Violet Bridgerton hesitates to tell her the truth. "Yes...Mrs.Jensen has told me about her wish to retire a week ago." She nodded. "And it is her right to do so, isn't it, Francesca?" Violet said more strictly to her daughter, who averted to look at them. "Francesca?" She said again.

The young woman agreed, although completely against the decision.

"Of course..."Francesca finally gave up and sighed deeply, showing her clear disapproval. "I hope you find joy in this new path you'll follow, Mrs.Jensen."

The old woman smiled gratefully and squeezed Francesca's soft hands once again. Of course, Francesca wasn't mad at her, for many years she taught her and her sisters with incredible attention and caring, she held her in good regard, but the fact that she was about to leave, that things would change so drastically, made her feel slightly betrayed, abandoned even.

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